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《天堂与地狱》 第220节







220. 地狱也有管理, 因为没有管理, 他们就无法受到约束. 但是, 地狱的管理与天堂的管理截然对立, 是自我之爱的管理. 在地狱, 人人都想掌控他人, 凌驾于他人之上. 他们恨恶那些不赞同他们的人, 把这些人当作其报复和烈怒的目标, 因为这就是自我之爱的性质. 因此, 在地狱, 作为管理者掌管他们的, 是更恶毒的人, 他们出于恐惧对这些人俯首帖耳. 关于这一点, 等到后面论述地狱时再详加说明.

注: 统治有两种, 一种出于对邻之爱, 另一种出于自我之爱(天国的奥秘 10814节). 一切良善和一切幸福都从出于对邻之爱的统治流出(天国的奥秘 10160, 10814节). 在天堂, 没有人想出于自我之爱进行掌控, 所有人都想去帮助别人, 这就是出于对邻之爱的统治; 也是他们大能的源头(天国的奥秘 5732节). 一切邪恶皆从出于自我之爱的统治流入(天国的奥秘 10038节). 当对自我和尘世的爱开始掌控时, 人们被迫服从管理者, 以获得安全(天国的奥秘 7364, 10160, 10814节).



220. 地獄也有其治理模式, 否則地獄之人必不服約束。不過, 地獄的管理根源於自私自利, 與天國的管理正好相對。地獄之人無不渴望高人一等, 掌控他人。凡意見不合者, 他們就恨惡, 想方設法施行報復, 因為自私的本質就是如此。所以在地獄, 心狠手辣者掌握著權力, 心懷畏懼者對其俯首貼耳。關於這些, 等我們討論地獄時再作說明。

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Heaven and Hell #220 (NCE, 2000)

220. There are forms of government in the hells as well; for unless there were, they would not be kept in restraint. However, the forms of government there are exact opposites of those in the heavens because they all derive from selfishness. All people there want to control others and to be preeminent. They hate the people who do not agree with them, and use vicious means to get even with them because this is what selfishness is like. So for them it is the more vicious ones who hold office, and who are obeyed out of fear. 1But more on this later, where I discuss the hells.


1. There are two kinds of dominion, one from love for our neighbor and one from love for ourselves: 10814. Everything good and happy comes from dominion out of love for our neighbor: 10160, 10814. In heaven, no one wants to be in control because of self-love; all want to be helpful, and this is governing out of love for their neighbor and is the source of whatever power they possess: 5732. Everything evil comes from dominion out of self-love: 10038. Once love for oneself and for the world has begun to take control, people are forced into subjection to dictators simply in order to be protected: 7364, 10160, 10814.


Heaven and Hell #220 (Harley, 1958)

220. There are also governments in the hells, for otherwise they could not be kept in restraint; but the governments there are the opposites of governments in the heavens. They are all from the love of self, each one there wishing to dictate to others and to be over them. They hate those who do not favour them, and make them objects of their vengeance and do violence to them, for such is the nature of the love of self. Therefore, the more malicious are set over them as governors, and these they obey from fear. 1But concerning this see below where the hells are treated of.


1. There are two kinds of rule, one from love towards the neighbour, the other from love of self (Arcana Coelestia 10814).

From the rule that is from love towards the neighbour flow all goods and all delights (Arcana Coelestia 10160, 10814).

In heaven no one desires to rule from the love of self, but all desire to minister, which is to rule from love towards the neighbour; this is the source of their great power (Arcana Coelestia 5732).

From rule from the love of self come all evils (Arcana Coelestia 10038).

When the loves of self and the world began to reign, men were compelled to subject themselves to forms of government as a means of security (Arcana Coelestia 7364, 10160, 10814).


Heaven and Hell #220 (Ager, 1900)

220. Also in the hells there are governments, for without governments they could not be kept in restraint; but the governments there are opposite to the governments in the heavens; they are governments of the love of self. Everyone there wishes to dictate to others and to be over others. They hate those that do not favor them, and make them objects of their vengeance and fury, for such is the nature of the love of self. Therefore the more malignant are set over them as governors, and these they obey from fear. 1But of this below, where the hells are treated of.


1. There are two kinds of rule, one from love towards the neighbor the other from love of self (Arcana Coelestia 10814).

From the rule that is from love towards the neighbor flow all goods and all happinesses (10160, 10814).

In heaven no one desires to rule from the love of self, but all desire to minister, which means to rule from love to the neighbor; this is the source of their great power (5732).

From rule from the love of self all evils flow in (10038).

When the loves of self and the world had begun to prevail men were compelled to subject themselves to governments as a means of security (7364, 10160, 10814).


De Coelo et de Inferno #220 (original Latin)

220. Sunt quoque regimina in infernis, nam nisi forent regimina non tenerentur in vinculis sed regimina ibi sunt opposita regiminibus in caelis sunt omnia amoris sui; quisque ibi vult imperare aliis et supereminere; qui sibi non favent, illos odio habent, in illos vindictas exercent, et in illos saeviunt nam talis est amor sui quapropter illis praeficiuntur maligniores, quibus ex timore obediant. 1Sed de his infra, ubi de infernis.


1. Quod duo imperii genera sint, unum ex amore erga proximum, alterum ex amore sui (10814).

Quod ex imperio, quod ex amore erga proximum, omnia bona et felicia (10160, 10814).

Quod in caelo nemo velit imperare ex amore sui, sed quod omnes velint ministrare, et quod hoc sit imperare ex amore erga proximum, et quod inde illis tanta potestas (5732).

Quod ex imperio quod ex amore sui omnia mala (10038). Quod postquam amores sui et mundi coeperunt regnare, homines coacti sint se subjicere imperiis, ut tuti essent (7364, 10160, 10814).

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