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《天堂与地狱》 第240节








240. 由于天使的言语直接从其情感发出, 其思维观念则是其总体情感所分成的各种形式(参看236节), 所以他们能在一瞬间表达人在半小时内都无法表达的内容; 他们也能以只言片语阐述许多页文字所表达的内容; 这一事实也通过大量经历向我证明了. 因此, 天使的思维观念和他们所说的话如有效原因和结果那样合为一体. 因为作为原因存在于思维观念中的, 也存在于作为结果的话语中; 这就是为何一句话就包含如此多的事物在里面. 当天使思维的一切细节, 以及随之其言语的一切细节以可见形式呈现出来时, 它们看似细微的波浪或流动的大气, 其中有无数处于自己秩序的元素; 这些元素源于天使的智慧, 并进入高层思维, 激发情感. 每当主乐意时, 每个人(无论天使还是世人)的思维观念都呈现在天堂之光中.

注: 天使以他们的言语在一瞬间所表达的, 比人以自己的言语在半小时内所表达的还要多, 他们还能表达不适合人类语言话语的那类事物(天国的奥秘 1641-1643, 1645, 4609, 7089节). 一个思维观念包含无数事物(天国的奥秘 1008, 1869, 4946, 6613-6618节). 人的思维观念在来世会被打开, 并活生生地呈现出来(天国的奥秘 1869, 3310, 5510节). 它们的表象是什么(天国的奥秘 6601, 8885节). 至内层天堂天使的观念看似火焰之光(天国的奥秘 6615节). 最外层天堂天使的思维观念看似细微的亮云(天国的奥秘 6614节). 当天使观念出现时, 朝向主的光线便从中发出(天国的奥秘 6620节). 思维观念广泛延伸到周围的天使社群(天国的奥秘 6598-6613节).



240. 由於天人的語言直接從情感流出, 而思維乃是其情感所表現的各種形態(236), 所以他們三言兩語就能描述我們千言萬語才能描述的內容。這也是我通過大量經歷所見證的事實。

天人的意念和言辭合為一體, 正如因與果合為一體, 因為作為果的言辭是以意念為因。這是天人只言詞組能極具內涵的原因。

當天人的思想和言辭具體而微地顯為可見時, 好似微細的波動或流動之氣, 無量無邊的元素(在更高層次進入思維, 撥動情弦的智慧元素)排列其間。主若願意, 天人或世人的意念都可在天國之光中顯為可見。

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Heaven and Hell #240 (NCE, 2000)

240. Because angels' language flows directly from their affection (since their individual ideas are various forms into which their affections are apportioned, as noted above in 236), angels can express in a minute more than we can say in half an hour, and can present in a few words things that would make many pages of writing. This too has been witnessed to me by a great deal of experience. 1

Angels' individual ideas and the words of their language form a single whole the way an efficient cause does with an effect; for what is presented in the words as an effect is what is resident in the ideas as a cause. This is why a single word contains so much within itself.

When the details of angels' thought and the consequent details of their language are presented in visual form, they look like a subtle wave or flowing atmosphere in which there are countless elements in their own pattern, elements of their wisdom that enter into thought at a higher level and stir the affections. The individual ideas of anyone - whether an angel or one of us - can be presented visually in heaven's light when it so pleases the Lord. 2


1. In their language, angels can express in a moment more than we can in half an hour in our language, and this includes things that by nature do not fit into the words of human language: 1641-1643, 1645, 4609, 7089.

2. There are countless things within a single concept: 1008, 1869, 4946, 6613-6615, 6617-6618. Our concepts are opened in the other life, with a vivid visual presentation of their quality: 1869, 3310, 5510. What they look like: 6201 [6200?], 8885. The concepts of angels of the inmost heaven look like the light of a flame: 6615. The concepts of angels of the outmost heaven look like faint, bright clouds: 6614. An angel's concept was seen from which rays went forth toward the Lord: 6620. Concepts of thought reach out far and wide on all sides in angelic communities: 6598-6613.


Heaven and Hell #240 (Harley, 1958)

240. Because the speech of angels proceeds directly from their affection, and the ideas of their thought being, as was said above (236), the various forms into which their general affection is distributed, angels can therefore express in a moment what a man cannot express in half an hour. Also they can set forth in a few words what has been expressed in writing on many pages. This, too, has been proved to me by much experience. 1Thus the angels' ideas of thought and the words of their speech make one, like efficient cause and effect. For what is in the ideas of thought as cause is presented in the words as effect, and this is why every word comprises in itself so many things. Also all the particulars of angelic thought, and thus of angelic speech, appear, when presented to view, like a thin outflowing wave or atmosphere, in which are innumerable things in their order derived from angelic wisdom, and these enter another's thought and affect him. The ideas of thought of every one, both angel and man, are presented to view in the light of heaven, whenever the Lord pleases. 2


1. Angels can express by their speech in a moment more than a man can express by his in half an hour; and they can also express things that do not fall into the expressions of human speech (Arcana Coelestia 1641-1643, 1645, 4609, 7089).

2. There are innumerable things contained in one idea of thought (Arcana Coelestia 1008, 1869, 4946, 6613-6618).

The ideas of man's thought are opened in the other life, and what they are is presented to view to the life (Arcana Coelestia 1869, 3310, 5510).

What their appearance is (Arcana Coelestia 6601, 8885).

The ideas of angels of the inmost heaven present an appearance of flamy light (Arcana Coelestia 6615).

The ideas of angels of the outermost heaven present an appearance of thin white clouds (Arcana Coelestia 6614).

An idea of an angel seen, from which there was a radiation towards the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 6620).

Ideas of thought extend themselves widely into the societies of angels round about (Arcana Coelestia 6598-6613).


Heaven and Hell #240 (Ager, 1900)

240. Because the speech of angels proceeds directly from their affection, and the ideas of their thought are the various forms into which their general affection is distributed (see above, 236), angels can express in a moment what a man cannot express in half an hour; also they can set forth in a few words what has been expressed in writing on many pages; and this, too, has been proved to me by much experience. 1Thus the angels' ideas of thought and the words of their speech make one, like effecting cause and effect; for what is in the ideas of thought as cause is presented in the words as effect, and this is why every word comprehends in itself so many things. Also all the particulars of angelic thought, and thus of angelic speech, appear when presented to view like a thin wave or circumfluent atmosphere, in which are innumerable things in their order derived from angelic wisdom, and these enter another's thought and affect him. The ideas of thought of everyone, both angel and man, are presented to view in the light of heaven, whenever the Lord pleases. 2


1. Angels can express by their speech in a moment more than a man can express by his in half an hour; and they can also express things that do not fall into the expressions of human speech (Arcana Coelestia 1641-1643, 1645, 4609, 7089).

2. The innumerable things contained in one idea of thought (1008, 1869, 4946, 6613-6618).

The ideas of man's thought are opened in the other life, and what they are is presented to view to the life (1869, 3310, 5510).

What their appearance is (6601, 8885).

The ideas of angels of the inmost heaven present an appearance of flamy light (6615).

The ideas of angels of the outmost heaven present an appearance of thin white clouds (6614).

An angelic idea seen, from which there was a radiation towards the Lord (6620).

Ideas of thought extend themselves widely into the societies of angels round about (6598-6613).


De Coelo et de Inferno #240 (original Latin)

240. Quia loquela angelorum immediate procedit ex affectione illorum, nam (ut supra, 236, dictum est,) ideae cogitationis sunt variae formae, in quas affectio communis distributa est, ideo possunt angeli intra minutum exprimere illa quae homo non potest intra semihorium, et quoque possunt per aliquot voces sistere quae scripta sunt pluribus paginis: hoc quoque testatum est mihi per plurem experientiam. 1Ideae cogitationis angelorum, et voces loquelae illorum, ita unum faciunt, sicut causa efficiens et effectus; nam sistitur in vocibus in effectu quod in ideis cogitationis est in causa: inde est quod unaquaevis vox in se comprehendat tam multa. Apparent etiam singula cogitationis, et inde singula loquelae angelorum, cum sistuntur videri, sicut tenuis unda seu atmosphaera circumfluens, in qua sunt innumerabilia in suo ordine, quae ex sapientia illorum, et quae intrant alterius cogitationem et afficiunt. Ideae cogitationis cujusvis tam angeli quam hominis sistuntur videndae in luce caeli, quando Domino placet. 2


1. Quod angeli exprimere possint per suam loquelam momento plura quam homo per semihorium per suam, et quod etiam talia quae in voces linguae humanae non cadunt (1641-1643, 1645, 4609, 7089).

2. Quod in una idea cogitationis innumerabilia insint (1008, 1869, 4946, 6613, 6615, 6617, 6618).

Quod ideae cogitationis hominis aperiantur in altera vita, et ad vivum sistantur videndae, quales sunt (1869, 3310, 5510). Quales apparent (6201 [6200?] 8885).

Quod ideae angelorum intimi caeli appareant instar lucis flammeae (6615).

Quod ideae angelorum ultimi caeli appareant instar nubium tenuium candidarum (6614).

Idea visa angeli, e qua radiatio ad Dominum (6620). Quod ideae cogitationis se extendant ample in societates angelorum circumcirca (6598-6613).

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