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《天堂与地狱》 第427节





427. 人死后一进入灵人界, 就被主仔细分门别类. 恶人立刻与他们在世时的主导爱所在的地狱社群相联; 善人则立刻与他们在世时的爱, 仁与信所在的天堂社群相联. 不过, 尽管他们被如此分开, 但所有活在肉身时曾是朋友和熟人的人, 尤其妻子和丈夫, 以及兄弟姐妹, 仍可相聚并一起交谈, 只要他们有这种渴望. 我曾看见一位父亲与他的六个儿子交谈, 并认出他们; 还看见其他许多人与他们的亲朋好友重逢. 然而, 他们因在世时的生活而性情各异, 故不久之后就分离了. 但那些从灵人界转入天堂或地狱的人若没有因相似的爱而具有相似的性情, 就不再看见或认识彼此. 他们之所以在灵人界看见彼此, 在天堂或地狱却看不见, 是因为那些在灵人界的人被带入一个接一个的状态, 这些状态就像他们活在肉身时所经历的那种. 但之后所有人都被带入与他们的主导爱相一致的永恒状态, 在这种状态下, 人与人之间只能凭爱的相似性认出彼此; 因为这时, 相似性结合, 非相似性分离(参看41-45节).



427. 人死後, 一進入靈界, 就由主仔細地區分別開來。按其在世主導欲所對應的某社群, 惡者立刻與此地獄社群建立聯繫。善者則立刻與天國般的社群建立聯繫, 因為他們在世時的仁與信曾與天國的某社群相應。

雖被區分開來, 他們仍聚集在靈界, 可與想見之人交談, 例如在世時的親友, 特別是夫妻及兄弟姐妹。我曾見一位父親認出他的六個兒子, 與他們交談;還見過很多人與親友重逢。他們若因世間的生活而形成了不同的性格, 經過短暫的重逢之後, 他們還是會分開。

即將離開靈界而上天國之人與即將下地獄的人不再彼此相見;若非性情相似, 他們甚至不再相識。人們在靈界可以相互見面交往, 而在天國或地獄卻不然(天國或地獄中, 性情相似者才彼此交往), 原因在於他們可以在靈界被一一帶進不同的狀態, 如同他們在世時經歷不同的生活體驗。以後, 所有人將被帶入與其主導欲一致的穩定狀態。在此狀態下, 只有性情相似者才彼此相識, 相似者聚集, 不同者分開(如之前41-50所述)。

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Heaven and Hell #427 (NCE, 2000)

427. After we die, just as soon as we arrive in the world of spirits, we are carefully sorted out by the Lord. Evil people are immediately connected with the hellish community their ruling love had affiliated them with in the world, and good people are immediately connected with the heavenly community their love and thoughtfulness and faith had affiliated them with in the world.

Even though we are sorted out in this way, we are still together in that world and can talk to anyone when we want to, to friends and acquaintances from our physical life, especially husbands and wives, and also brothers and sisters. I have seen a father talking with his six sons and recognizing them. I have seen many other people with their relatives and friends. However, since they were of different character because of their life in the world, they parted company after a little while.

However, people who are coming into heaven from the world of spirits and people who are coming into hell do not see each other any more. They do not even recognize each other unless they are of like character because of a likeness in love. The reason they see each other in the world of spirits but not in heaven or hell is that while they are in the world of spirits they are brought into states like the ones they were in during their physical lives, one after another. After a while, though, they settle into a constant state that accords with their ruling love. In this state, mutual recognition comes only from similarity of love, for as we explained above (41-50), likeness unites and difference separates.


Heaven and Hell #427 (Harley, 1958)

427. As soon as men after their decease come into the world of spirits the Lord distinguishes them correctly. The evil are at once attached to the infernal society in which they were, as to their ruling love, while in the world; and the good are at once attached to the heavenly society in which they were as to their love, charity and faith, while in the world. But although they are thus distinguished, all who have been friends and acquaintances in the life of the body, especially wives and husbands, and also brothers and sisters, meet and converse together whenever they so desire. I have seen a father talking with six sons, whom he recognized, and have seen many others with their relatives and friends, but because they were of diverse dispositions as a result of life in the world, they were separated after a short time. But those who come from the world of spirits into heaven or into hell, unless they have a like disposition from a like love, no longer see or know each other. The reason that they see each other in the world of spirits, but not in heaven or in hell, is that those who are in the world of spirits are brought into one state after another, like those they experienced in the life of the body; but afterwards, all are brought into a permanent state in accord with their ruling love, and in that state one recognizes another only by similarity of love; for then similarity joins and dissimilarity disjoins (as shown above, 41-50).


Heaven and Hell #427 (Ager, 1900)

427. As soon as men after death enter the world of spirits the Lord clearly discriminates between them; and the evil are at once attached to the infernal society in which they were, as to their ruling love while in the world; and the good are at once attached to the heavenly society in which they were as to their love, charity and faith while in the world. But although they are thus divided, all that have been friends and acquaintances in the life of the body, especially wives and husbands, and also brothers and sisters, meet and converse together whenever they so desire. I have seen a father talking with six sons, whom he recognized, and have seen many others with their relatives and friends; but having from their life in the world diverse dispositions, after a short time they separate. But those who have passed from the world of spirits into heaven or into hell, unless they have a like disposition from a like love, no longer see or know each other. The reason that they see each other in the world of spirits, but not in heaven or in hell, is that those who are in the world of spirits are brought into one state after another, like those they experienced in the life of the body; but afterwards all are brought into a permanent state in accord with their ruling love, and in that state one recognizes another only by similarity of love; for then similarity joins and dissimilarity disjoins (see above, 41-50).


De Coelo et de Inferno #427 (original Latin)

427. Homines post obitum, utprimum in mundum spirituum veniunt, a Domino probe distinguuntur: mali statim alligantur societati infernali in qua fuerunt in mundo quoad amorem regnantem ac boni statim alligantur societati caelesti in qua etiam fuerunt in mundo quoad amorem, charitatem et fidem. At tametsi ita distincti sunt, usque in illo mundo conveniunt, ac inter se loquuntur omnes, quando desiderant, qui amici et noti fuerunt in vita corporis, uxores et mariti imprimis, et quoque fratres et sorores. Vidi patrem locutum cum sex filiis, et agnovisse illos; ac plures alios cum suis affinibus et amicis; sed quia diversis animis erant ex vita in mundo, post breve tempus disjuncti sunt. At qui e mundo spirituum in caelum veniunt, et qui in infernum, illi se postea non amplius vident, nec se cognoscunt, nisi simili animo ex simili amore sint. Causa quod in mundo spirituum, et non in caelo et inferno, se videant, est quia illi, qui in mundo spirituum sunt, feruntur in similes status quos in vita corporis habuerunt, ab uno in alterum; at postea omnes rediguntur in statum constantem similem statui amoris sui regnantis, in quo cognoscit unus alterum modo ex similitudine amoris; nam (ut supra, 41-50, ostensum est,) similitudo conjungit et dissimilitudo disjungit.

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