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《天堂与地狱》 第430节






430. 每个人里面都有两道门: 一道朝向地狱, 向邪恶及其虚假开放; 一道朝向天堂, 向良善及其真理开放. 那些陷入邪恶及其虚假的人便有地狱之门在他们里面敞开, 仅有少许天堂之光从上面透过缝隙流入他们, 他们凭这流注具有思考, 推理和谈论的能力. 但天堂之门在那些处于良善及其真理的人里面敞开. 因为有两条路通向人的理性心智; 良善与真理从主经由一条更高或内在之路进入, 邪恶与虚假则从地狱经由一条更低或外在之路进入. 理性心智本身就在这两条路的交汇处. 因此, 天堂之光越被允许进入, 人就越理性; 相反, 它越不被允许进入, 人就越不理性, 无论他觉得自己多么理性. 我提及这些事, 是为了让人们知道人与天堂并地狱的对应关系是何性质. 人的理性心智在形成的过程中, 与灵人界相对应; 在它之上的对应于天堂, 在它之下的对应于地狱. 对那些预备上天堂的人来说, 理性心智之上的区域打开, 而下面的区域则向邪恶与虚假的流注关闭; 但对那些预备下地狱的人来说, 它下面的部分打开, 上面的部分则向良善与真理的流注关闭. 因此, 后者只能往下看, 即俯视地狱; 而前者只能往上看, 即仰望天堂. 往上看就是仰望主, 因为祂是天堂的一切事物所面向的共同中心; 而往下看就是从主往后俯视相反的中心, 地狱的一切事物都注视并趋向这个中心(参看123-124节).



430. 每個人心裡都有兩道門:一道朝向地獄, 向地獄的惡與謬開放;一道朝向天國, 向天國的善與理開放。對於注重惡謬之人, 地獄之門是開放的, 僅有少許天國之光可透過縫隙照入, 使他們有思想, 推理, 談論的能力。反之, 對於注重善與理的人, 天國之門是開放的。事實上, 有兩條路通向人的理性, 一條從上頭(或裡面)來, 主的善與理循之而入, 一條從下頭(或外面)來, 地獄的惡與謬循之而入。理性處於兩條路的交匯處。天國之光若得進入, 人就是理智的。天國之光若不得進入, 人就是愚癡的, 儘管他自以為理智。

我說這些, 是為了闡明人與天國, 地獄的對應關係。人的理智在形成的過程中, 是與靈界相應的。理智之上的屬於天國, 理智之下的屬於地獄。對於預備上天國的人, 理智之上的得以開啟, 理智之下的向惡謬之流關閉;對於預備下地獄的人, 理智之下的被開啟, 理智之上的向善理之流關閉。其結果是, 前者只能往上看, 注視天國, 後者只能朝下看, 注視地獄。往上看是注視主, 因為祂是天國一切的中心;朝下看是背離主, 注視地獄一切的中心(參123-124節)。

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Heaven and Hell #430 (NCE, 2000)

430. There are two doors in each of us as well, one facing hell and open to evil and false things from hell, the other facing heaven and open to good and true things from heaven. The door of hell is opened for people who are involved in what is evil and its consequent falsity, though just a little light from heaven flows in through the cracks, which enables us to think, reason, and talk. On the other hand, the door of heaven is opened for people who are focused on what is good and therefore on what is true. There are actually two paths that lead to our rational mind, one from above or within, through which the good and the true enter from the Lord, and one from below or outside through which the evil and the false infiltrate from hell. The rational mind itself is at the intersection of these two paths, so to the extent that light from heaven is let in, we are rational; but to the extent that it is not let in, we are not rational even though we seem so to ourselves.

I have mentioned these things so that our correspondence with heaven and with hell may be known. While our rational mind is in the process of being formed, it is responsive to the world of spirits. What is above it belongs to heaven, and what is beneath it belongs to hell. The higher things open, and the lower close against the inflow of evil and falsity, for people who are being readied for heaven; while the lower things open, and the higher close against the inflow of goodness and truth, for people who are being readied for hell. As a result, these latter can only look downward, toward hell, and the former can only look upward, toward heaven. Looking upward is looking toward the Lord, because he is the common center that everything in heaven faces. Looking downward, though, is looking away from the Lord toward the opposite center, the center toward which everything in hell faces and gravitates (see above, 123, 124).


Heaven and Hell #430 (Harley, 1958)

430. With every man there are two gates, one that leads to hell and that is open to evils and their falsities; while the other leads to heaven and is open to goods and their truths. Those who are in evil and its falsity have the gate to hell opened to them, and only through chinks from above does something of light from heaven flow into them, and by that inflowing they are able to think, to reason, and to speak; but the gate to heaven is opened to those who are in good and its truth. For there are two ways that lead to the rational mind of man; a higher or internal way through which good and truth from the Lord enter, and a lower or external way through which evil and falsity enter below from hell. The rational mind itself is at the middle point to which the ways tend. Consequently, so far as light from heaven is admitted, man is rational; but so far as it is not admitted he is not rational, however rational he may seem to himself to be. These things have been said to make known the nature of the correspondence of man with heaven and with hell. While man's rational mind is being formed, it corresponds to the world of spirits, what is above it corresponding to heaven and what is below to hell. With those preparing for heaven, the regions above the rational mind are opened, but those below are closed to the influx of evil and falsity; while with those preparing for hell, the parts below it are opened, and the parts above it are closed to the influx of good and truth. Thus the latter can look only to what is below themselves, that is, to hell; while the former can look only to what is above themselves, that is, to heaven. To look above themselves is to look to the Lord, because He is the common centre to which all things of heaven look; while to look below themselves is to look backwards from the Lord to the opposite centre, to which all things of hell look and tend (see above, 123-124).


Heaven and Hell #430 (Ager, 1900)

430. With every man there are two gates; one that leads to hell and that is open to evils and their falsities; while the other leads to heaven and is open to goods and their truths. Those that are in evil and its falsity have the gate to hell opened in them, and only through chinks from above does something of light from heaven flow into them, and by that inflowing they are able to think, to reason, and to speak; but the gate to heaven is opened in those that are in good and its truth. For there are two ways that lead to the rational mind of man; a higher or internal way through which good and truth from the Lord enter, and a lower or external way through which evil and falsity enter from hell. The rational mind itself is at the middle point to which the ways tend. Consequently, so far as light from heaven is admitted man is rational; but so far as it is not admitted he is not rational, however rational he may seem to himself to be. This has been said to make known the nature of the correspondence of man with heaven and with hell. While man's rational mind is being formed it corresponds to the world of spirits, what is above it corresponding to heaven and what is below to hell. With those preparing for heaven the regions above the rational mind are opened, but those below are closed to the influx of evil and falsity; while with those preparing for hell the parts below it are opened, and the parts above it are closed to the influx of good and truth. Thus the latter can look only to what is below themselves, that is, to hell; while the former can look only to what is above themselves, that is, to heaven. To look above themselves is to look to the Lord, because He is the common center to which all things of heaven look; while to look below themselves is to look backwards from the Lord to the opposite center, to which all things of hell look and tend (see above, 123, 124).


De Coelo et de Inferno #430 (original Latin)

430. Sunt etiam apud unumquemvis hominem binae portae, quarum una patet ad infernum, et aperta est malis et falsis inde; altera porta patet versus caelum, et aperta est bonis et veris inde. Porta inferni aperta est illis qui sunt in malo et inde falso, et tantum per rimas superne aliquid lucis e caelo influit, per quem influxum homo potest cogitare, ratiocinari et loqui; porta autem caeli aperta est illis qui in bono et inde vero sunt. Sunt enim binae viae quae ducunt ad mentem hominis rationalem via superior seu interna per quam intrat bonum et verum a Domino, et via inferior seu externa, per quam malum et falsum subintrant ab inferno. Ipsa mens rationalis est in medio ad quam tendunt viae inde quantum lucis e caelo admittitur, tantum homo rationalis est; quantum autem non admittitur, tantum non rationalis est, utcunque sibi appareat. Haec dicta sunt, ut quoque sciatur qualis correspondentia est hominis cum caelo et cum inferno: mens ejus rationalis, dum in formatione est, correspondet mundo spirituum quae supra illam sunt, caelo; et quae infra, inferno: illa quae supra illam sunt aperiuntur, et quae infra illam clauduntur, pro influxu mali et falsi apud illos qui praeparantur ad caelum; at illa quae infra illam sunt aperiuntur, et quae supra illam clauduntur,pro influxu boni et veri apud illos qui praeparantur ad infernum: inde hi non aliter spectare possunt quam infra se, hoc est, ad infernum; et illi non aliter quam supra se, hoc est, ad caelum. Spectare supra se est ad Dominum, quia Ille est centrum commune, ad quod spectant omnia caeli: at spectare infra se est retro a Domino ad centrum oppositum, ad quod spectant et vergunt omnia inferni (videatur supra, 123, 124).

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