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《天堂与地狱》 第443节





443. 就其内层而言, 人是一个灵. 对此, 前面的阐述和说明(天国的奥秘 311-317节)提供了进一步的证据, 在那里我讨论了天堂与地狱皆来自人类的事实.



443. 就內在而言, 人是一個靈, 前文在討論天國地獄源起於人類(311-317節)的話題時也提供很多論據。

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Heaven and Hell #443 (NCE, 2000)

443. There is further support of our being spirits inwardly in the material presented in 311-317 above, where I discussed the fact that heaven and hell are from the human race.


Heaven and Hell #443 (Harley, 1958)

443. That in respect of his interiors man is a spirit can be further confirmed by the things said and shown above (311-317), where it is explained that heaven and hell are from the human race.


Heaven and Hell #443 (Ager, 1900)

443. That in respect to his interiors man is a spirit there are further evidences in what has been said and shown above (311-317), where it is explained that heaven and hell are from the human race.


De Coelo et de Inferno #443 (original Latin)

443. Quod homo quoad interiora sua sit spiritus, amplius confirmari potest ex illis, quae supra (311-317) dicta et ostensa sunt, ubi actum est de eo, quod caelum et infernum sint ex humano genere.

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