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《灵界经历》 第1066节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1066

1066. Continuation about those who constitute the province of the colon

Those spirits or souls, therefore, who thus rush to the destruction of the human race, have their own province, a place not far from hell, for there is nothing human in them. But any who do have anything human, such as a sense of justice - for the reason that they do not want people to consider them wild animals and tyrants - but who for bodily reasons still control themselves and moderate their rage, they are among those who are held within the wall, spoken of earlier [993]. Nor is there any compassion in them, either, but only love of self, which is still hatred of the human race. So they are also situated at various distances from hell, just as the colon starting from the small intestines is distant from the rectum.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1066


Therefore, these spirits or souls who thus rush to the destruction of the human race have their province or place not far from hell, for there is nothing human in them. But those in whom there is something human, as for instance something just, for the reason that they do not want men to regard them as wild beasts and tyrants, and so for a corporeal reason restrain and thus moderate themselves in their fury, are among those kept within the wall, concerning whom see above, [n. 993. There is no mercy in them, but only the love of self, and this is hatred of the human race. Thus they are also distinguished according to their distances from hell, as the colon is from the intestines which are continued from the rectum.

Experientiae Spirituales 1066 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1066. Continuatio de iis qui constituunt provinciam coli

Ii itaque spiritus seu animae, qui ita ruunt in internecionem generis humani, provinciam suam habent, seu locum non procul ab inferno, nam iis nihil humanum inest; at vero quibus aliquid humanum, sicut justum, ex causa, quod pro feris et tyrannis ab hominibus nolint haberi, sed usque in furore se ex causa corporea, retinent, et sic temperant, ii sunt inter eos, qui intra parietem tenentur, de quibus prius [993], quibus nec aliquid misericordiae inest, sed modo sui amoris, qui usque est odium generis humani, ita distinguuntur etiam quoad distantias ab inferno, sicut colon ab intestinis continuis {a} ab intestino recto.

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