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《灵界经历》 第1185节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1185

1185. 1

# #

# # Continuation

When these spirits were removed from their habitation, they then worked into the left knee and the part above the knee, from the front, where the knee[cap] is, as well as a little under the sole of the right foot. But I do not as yet know what this means [see 1189].


1. According to the author's instructions, we are placing 1185-1189 here.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1185

1185. 1Continuation

When these same angels were removed from their abode, they then acted upon the left knee and the part above it from the front where the knee is, also a little beneath the sole of the right foot; but as yet I do not know what these things signify.


1. In the manuscript the paragraph numbered 1184 was written here following n. 1183 1/2, but it is clear from the markings made by the author, and also by the insertion of the word continuatio [continuation] here and at the end of n. 1183, which was at the foot of the previous page, that he intended a consecutive reading of all the paragraphs treating of "the crowd in the interior heaven". Accordingly, n. 1184 will be found after n. 1189.

Experientiae Spirituales 1185 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1185. Continuatio


Iidem cum remoti sunt a domicilio 2

, tunc agebant in sinistrum genu, et partem supra genu, ab anteriori, ubi genu, tum paululum sub plantam pedis dextri, sed adhuc non scio, quid ea significant.


1. conformiter auctoris indiciis 1185 ad 1189 huc transposui

2. The Manuscript has domicilio sunt

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