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《灵界经历》 第1189节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1189

1189. They were occupying the upper region of the palate [1177], because there physical elements ascend as blood to the brain, and there they also descend. That location is therefore like an inn, for which reason they even called their room to which they had been removed [1183] an inn. From there, earthly elements [so ascend], which accompany the blood right to within the skull, nor is the blood purged of earthly dregs, except in the brains.

Those spirits then occupied the left knee also [1185], because the loves of such things as pleasures are symbolized by the left thigh and the left knee, and the sole of the right foot symbolizes those bodily things to which they cling. 1748, 6 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1189

1189. It therefore came about that they occupied the upper region of the palate [n. 1177, because that is the place where the corporeal things ascend into the brain as blood, and there also do they descend, so that the place is as it were an inn; for which reason they called also the chamber into which they were removed [n. 1183 an inn. Hence the natural things accompanied them even within the cranium; nor is the blood purged from its natural dregs except in the brain. Those spirits then occupied the left knee for the reason that the loves of such things as pleasures are signified by the left thigh and left knee; and the sole of the right foot signifies such corporeal things to which they adhere. 1748, Mar. 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 1189 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1189. Quod regionem palati superiorem tenerent [1177], ideo venit, quia ibi loci corporea 1

, ut sanguis, ascendunt in cerebrum, ac ibi quoque descendunt, sic ut sit locus quasi diversorii, quare etiam conclave suum, in quod remoti [1183], vocabant diversorium, inde naturalia, quae comitantur quidem intra cranium, nec a naturali faece sanguis repurgatur, quam in cerebris: inde quoque sinistrum genu tunc occupabant, quia amores talium ut voluptates significantur per sinistrum femur sinistrum genu planta dextri significat corporea talia, quibus adhaerent.1748, 6 Martius. De angelis, qui delectantur intimioribus, sed non volunt ut homo iisdem delectetur 1184. Sunt angeli boni, antrorsum, versus dextrum paulum, aliquam distantiam, qui fluviali modo dulci loquuntur, in quibus nihil aliud observavi, erroneum, quam quod putarent, non delectari debere hominem intimioribus, quia sic ii perderent jucunditatem, quam inde haberent.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has corporeum

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