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《灵界经历》 第1340节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1340

1340. Therefore, since the universal heaven reflects a Human being, as shown before [488, 499], so the heavens in their order reflect the vital parts or souls, but the heaven of spirits a body, which must function in the same way as the human body, in that it must be servile so that its spirits may receive goodness through the heavens from the Lord, Who Alone is Life.

A heaven of spirits which so serves enjoys the good qualities of the heavens. And the heavens then also believe no otherwise than that the spirits are their body, just as the spirits think that the human body is theirs. This was said by way of heaven to angels and spirits. 1748, 14 March.

But there are many, especially spirits, who do not like to be servants, but their own masters. They do not want to grasp those matters, or could not.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1340

1340. Therefore, since the entire heaven refers to Man, as was before shown [nos. 4 488, 499, so the heavens in their order refer to lives or souls; but the heaven of spirits refers to a body which ought to be similarly circumstanced as man's body, namely, it must be subservient. Thus do those in the heaven of spirits receive goods through the heavens from the Lord who alone is life. And when the heaven of spirits is such a body it enjoys the goods of the heavens. Then also the heavens believe that the spirits are no other than their body, just as the spirits suppose that the human body is theirs. This was said from heaven to the angels and spirits. 1748, Mar. 14. But there are many, especially those spirits who do not want to be servants but their own masters, who are unwilling or have been unable to comprehend these things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1340 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1340. Cum itaque universum coelum referat Hominem, sicut prius ostensum [488, 499], ita coeli ordine vitas seu animas, coelum spirituum autem corpus, quod similiter se habere debet ac corpus hominis 1

, nempe quod erit servum, et sic recipiant bona per coelos a Domino, Qui Solus est Vita. Ac spirituum coelum quod tale est, hoc fruitur bonis coelorum; tum quoque coeli tunc non aliter credunt, ac quod spiritus sint eorum corpus, sicut spiritus putant, quod corpus humanum sit eorum. Hoc dictum est coelitus, angelis et spiritibus. 1748, 14 Martius. Sed sunt plures, cumprimis spiritus, qui non volunt servi esse, sed sui domini, non illa 2

capere volunt, seu non potuerunt.


1. The Manuscript has homiinis

2. incertum in the Manuscript quia macula obscuratum

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