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《灵界经历》 第2042节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2042

2042. Souls who have faith can immediately be among heavenly [spirits]

About that Soul, you may see what was said earlier [2030-2039]. He was now among heavenly spirits, and was able without delay to be together in the current of their conversation, nor did I discern any element of hesitance due to falsity clinging to his ideas, nor from self-love opposing. For it is falsities, and the loves of self and of the world that prevent souls from being in companies of heavenly spirits, into whose circles no one can be admitted, except in certain states, until falsities and passions have been purged and, so to speak, rubbed off [see 1995]. These can be compared to sharp corners that impede the spiral rolling movement in the conversation of many who are of one mind. 1748, 22 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2042


The reader may refer to what was said concerning the recent soul above mentioned. He was now among celestial spirits, and could, without delay, make one in the general stream of their discourse, nor was there perceived aught to hinder his advance from anything false inhering in his ideas, nor anything repugnant from the love of self; for there are falsities and selfish and worldly loves which hinder the introduction of souls into celestial associations, as into these no one can be admitted except as he is in certain states, that is, before falsities and cupidities are vastated, and, as it were, worn away; these may be compared to sharp angles which prevent the easy volubility of the gyre in the unanimous discourse of numbers. - 1748, May 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2042 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2042. De animabus, qui in fide, [quod] 1

statim in altera vita interesse queant coelestibus

De Anima ista prius quid dictum videas [2030-2039], is nunc inter coelestes spiritus erat, et absque remora potuit in fluvio 2

sermonis eorum unus esse, nec quicquam percipiebatur remorans ex aliquo falso inhaerente ideis, nec ab amore sui, repugnante; nam falsitates sunt, et amores sui et mundi, qui impediunt quod animae nequeant {a} esse in consortiis coelestium, in quorum consortia nemo admitti potest, nisi in certis statibus, priusquam 3

falsitates et cupiditates sunt vastatae et quasi abrasae, quae assimilari possunt angulatis, quae impediunt volubilitatem gyri in sermone unanimo plurium. 1748, 22 Maj.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. in me. flumine in fluvio emendatum; cf. 1147

3. The Manuscript has priusque

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