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《灵界经历》 第2123节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2123

2123. I was then instructed, as this kept on, what the purpose of that large troop was, namely, that it dispersed societies that had ganged up wrongly by themselves, of spirits who had then plotted evils against others, as was made plain to me previously [2121]. That troop of spirits then thinks of nothing else than breaking up one from the other in the group, striking them with the fear that they would perish all together. Thus one is split away from the other, and they think of nothing but escape, and some, of their own destruction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2123

2123. Then was I instructed, when it continued, what was the purpose of that great cohort, to wit, to disperse the societies that had been miscellaneously constituted by themselves with malicious intent, composed of spirits, who in this way plotted evil against others, as by [from] experience was previously made manifest. At such time that cohort of spirits thinks of nothing else than separating one from another in the society, by smiting them with terror, that the whole society may be destroyed. Thus is one separated from another, and they think of nothing but flight, and some of their own destruction.

Experientiae Spirituales 2123 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2123. Instruebar tunc, cum perstabat, quid vellet cohors ista magna, nempe, quod dissiparet societates male a semet confarctas, spirituum, qui sic machinati sunt mala contra alios, sicut ab experientia prius manifestum factum est [2121]; cohors ista spirituum tunc nihil aliud cogitat, quam ut dissipet unum ab altero in societate, incutiendo terrorem, quod perirent cuncta, sic unus ab altero discinditur, nec cogitant nisi fugam quidam sui ruinam.

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