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《灵界经历》 第2315节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2315

2315. Societies are in unbroken series, like links in a chain

Since it is so that heaven reflects the Human body and its parts, as said [488, 499-500, 1710-1713], [its parts] are also associated together in a kind of unbroken series. In order that I might learn this from actual experience, I was inspired to tell one spirit who was not far away from me to reflect not only about me, but also about those who were near him; for without reflection, one cannot tell at all what is at one's side, or nearby.

When he had been given the power to reflect, he said that he is aware of so many things, that he cannot tell them all. Then they said that he should not reflect about them, because they did not know what was going on here.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2315


Since, therefore, heaven resembles the body of man, and its parts [societies] are also associated in a certain continual series. In order that I might know it by living experience, it was given me to say not far from me that he should not only reflect about me, but also about those who are around him for without reflection can nothing be known that is at the side or round about; and when the power of reflection was given him, he said that he observes so many things that he cannot declare them and they said that he should not reflect about them, because they are ignorant why these things [hic for haec, I think] occur.

Experientiae Spirituales 2315 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2315. Quod continuatae 1

sint societates, sicut in serie catenata

Cum itaque coelum referat Hominis corpus, ejusque partes ut dictum [488, 499-500, 1710-1713], etiam [societates ibi] in serie quadam continua consociatae sunt, quod ut per experientiam vivam scirem, dabatur mihi dicere ad unum spiritum, qui non 2

longinquus erat a me, ut non solum super me reflecteret, sed etiam super eos, qui circum eum sunt, nam sine reflexione non sciri quicquam potest, quid ad latus, et circum; cumque data erat ei copia reflectendi, dixit, quod animadvertat tam multa, ut non edicere possit; ac ii dicebant, quod non reflecteret super eos, quia ignorant quid

(2316.) hic fiunt 3

{a}, inde constare potest, quod spirituum societates sint series catenatae, ut una referat se ad alteram, in serie ordinatissime disposita, et quod is qui mecum loquutus sit quoddam subjectum huc spectans, ad quod se perplurimi alii referrent, qui vix aliquid de me scirent; ita ordo rerum, series ordinis, coordinationes, et subordinationes societatum in mundo spirituum, et in coelis, sunt incomprehensibiles: sunt in coelis quasi perpetua centra, et respectus omnium mutuus, non comparabilis respectui peripheriarum ad centra, sed quasi centrorum continuorum mutuo inter se, ex quibus coordinatis coordinantur omnia et singula. 1748, 13 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has contuatae

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quon

3. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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