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《灵界经历》 第2592节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2592

2592. The Lord preserves mankind from every evil

This is clear to me from such manifold experience that if I were to report the experiences only in general, a volume would be written full. For during several years now, almost every day, I have been surrounded by evil spirits, both around me, next to my head and at my back, and they have not only labored with all their might to bring evil upon me, but have also attempted to do so by flagrant insults, by magic, by deceptions, by secret arts, and by dreadful curses, too, spoken of before [327, 2171], but all and each one of their attempts were in vain, so that finally I was just laughing at their endeavors and flagrant insults.

So the Lord preserves the human race, every individual of which is surrounded by evil spirits, and especially today, when evil has grown so greatly, and with it the number of evil spirits has increased-in fact spirits of the very worst sort have emerged. And people do not want to know this, but suppose that they preserve themselves, when nothing could be less true. For if the Lord should relax His hand only for the very least moment of all, mankind would perish. 1748, 13 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2592


This is evident to me from such manifold experience that if I might bring together only my experiences in general, a volume might be compiled; for almost daily now, for some years, I have been surrounded by evil spirits, as well around me as next to the head, [and] to the back; and not only have they labored hard with every exertion, open insults, sorceries, deceits, [but also] have attempted with clandestine arts to bring harm upon me, as well also by dire maledictions, of which [I have treated] previously. But each and all [of these] were fruitless, so that at length I could utterly deride their endeavors and open insults. Thus the Lord preserves the human race, each of whom is surrounded with evil spirits, and especially at this day when evil has increased to such a degree, and hence evil spirits have been increased, yea have existed of the worst sort; and man does not wish to know this, but supposes that it is he who preserves himself when nothing is farther from the truth: for if the Lord should take away His hand only one littlest moment of all, man would perish. - 1748, July 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 2592 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2592. Quod Dominus conservet hominem ab omni malo

Tam multiplici experientia hoc mihi constat, ut si experientias in communi solum afferrem, volumen conscriberetur, nam per aliquot nunc annos, fere quotidie, circumfusus fui malis spiritibus, tam circum me, quam 1

proxime ad caput, ad tergum, et non solum omni nisu allaborarunt, [sed etiam] apertis insultibus, magiis, dolis, clandestinis artibus tentarunt, mihi malum inferre, tum quoque diris maledictionibus, de quibus prius [2171], sed omnia singula frustra, sic ut tandem eorum conatus apertos insultus, prorsus riderem; ita conservat Dominus humanum genus, quorum singuli curcumfusi sunt malis spiritibus cumprimis hodie, cum malum tantum gradum crevit inde mali spiritus, aucti, imo pessimi exstiterunt: hoc homo non scire vult, sed putat quod is sit qui semet conservet, cum nihil minus, nam si Dominus remitteret manum, modo, uno momento omnium minimo, periret homo. 1748, 13 Julius.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "quam pro quad"

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