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《灵界经历》 第2591节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2591

2591. From the first creation of the first human being the Lord has led the human race

A doubt has occurred to me two or three times-since angels and spirits in the greatest body interact with the human being and its individual members and parts, and since efforts come from that source that activate [see 2171] wherever they are given the opportunity, or wherever they are yielded to (as may be known from certain truths of human philosophy if attention is paid to them)-so a doubt has occurred as to how the first human being and those who were first born could have come forth before this greatest body had been formed.

I received a reply by a spiritual mental image, which is convincing and has been corroborated, that the first human being and those first born were led by none other than the Lord Alone, for the Lord is the all in all things, nor is there any endeavor from individuals in heaven and the spiritual world, except from the Lord, either before a human being was born or after a human being was born. For just as the human in all its levels existed before its birth, as after, so without Him nothing could be created, nor having been created keep on existing. So He Alone sustains the human race as in times past, but now by means of angels and spirits, and also directly apart from angels and spirits, as has also been confirmed by experience about which I believe I have spoken earlier [2020, 2065-2066, 2071]. For the human race has been His from the beginning, so He takes care of all. 1748, 13 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2591


This tender scruple had occurred: since it is so, that to man, and each of his members and parts there correspond angels and spirits in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore], and that hence [come] endeavors [conatus], which are active wherever is given power or passive [cedentia], as may be known from certain truths of human philosophy, if they are attended to, wherefore the scruple had occurred, how the first man, and those who were born at first, before this Grand Man [Maximum Corpore] was formed, could have existed. I received the reply by a spiritual idea which is persuasive. It was confirmed that the first man, and those born at first, have not been led by any other than the Lord alone. For the Lord is all in all, nor is there any endeavor [conatus] by the single things, in heaven and the spiritual world, unless [springing] [it arise] from the Lord; also before man was born, in the same manner as after man was born; for man, as to all his degrees, existed similarly before his nativity as [he existed] afterwards. Without Him nothing could be created, nor exist created. Wherefore, also, He alone sustains the human race; like as formerly, but now by mediate angels and spirits, then also immediately, without angels and spirits, as also is confirmed by experience; of which I think [I have treated] previously. For the human race was of Him from the beginning, wherefore He has all care [for them.] - 1748, July 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 2591 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2591. Quod Dominus a creatione primi hominis duxerit humanum genus

Inciderat bis terve scrupulus, cum ita sit, quod homini ejusque singulis membris et partibus correspondeant angeli et spiritus in maximo corpore, et quod inde conatus, qui activi sunt ubicunque datur copia, vel cedentia, ut notum potest esse a veritatibus quibusdam philosophiae humanae, si attendantur--quare 1

scrupulus inciderat, quomodo primus homo, et qui primum nati sunt, antequam maximum hoc corpus formatum, potuisset existere; responsum tuli, idea spirituali, quae persuadet, confirmatum, quod homo primus, et primum nati, non ab alio ducti fuerint, quam a Solo Domino, nam Dominus est omne in omnibus, nec aliquis conatus a singulis in coelo et mundo spirituali, nisi a Domino, etiam antequam homo natus sicut postquam homo natus: nam similiter ac homo quoad omnes suos gradus, exstitit ante nativitatem suam, sicut postea, [ita] absque Ipso nihil creari potuit, nec creatum existere; quare etiam Solus sustinet humanum genus, sicut olim, sed nunc mediis angelis et spiritibus, tum quoque immediate, absque angelis et spiritibus, sicut etiam experientia confirmatum est, de qua, ut reor, prius [2020, 2065-2066, 2071]. Humanum enim genus Ipsius fuit a principio, quare omnium curam habet. 1748, 13 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has attendantur, quare

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