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《灵界经历》 第2758节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2758

2758. About the speech of spirits of the inward realm

About that speech see something said earlier [2632-2633], when I was of the opinion that it was such that it could not reach my thought except vaguely, but now by an actual experience it has been shown that it only comes as a mental image that embraces many things, just as when a person thinks in a moment what could not afterwards be expressed by a great deal of talking. It is a mental image that embraces all that is going to be said. These kinds of images were so clearly brought over to me that I answered in kind, nor was there any shadow or obscurity in them.

But the reason I did not understand this kind of speech on many occasions was that I was not speaking with them in this way, so it was snatched up, or not heard, as has happened many times. 1748, 6 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2758


Concerning that speech see something [said] previously. I imagined that it was of such a character as could not have reached my idea, except obscurely: but now it is shown, by living experience, that it is only the [an] idea which comprehends many [things]: like as when man thinks in a moment what he cannot afterwards speak forth by [during] a considerable discourse. It is the idea that comprehends the things which are to be spoken. Ideas of such quality were so plainly brought before [ad] me that I could reply by the like [similar]: nor was there any shade or obscurity therein. But frequently the reason why such speech was not perceived by me was that I did not speak with them in this manner: thus it was snatched away or not heard - as many times occupied. - 1784, August 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 2758 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2758. De Loquela spirituum interioris sphaerae

De loquela ista vide prius aliquid [2632-2633], opinabar quod talis esset, ut non potuisset ad ideam meam pervenire, nisi obscure, sed nunc per experientiam vivam ostensum est, quod modo sit idea, quae comprehendat plura, sicut dum homo momento cogitat, quod per multum sermonis non postea eloquitur, est idea comprehendens ea quae loquenda, quales ideae tam manifeste perducebantur ad me, ut responderem similiter, nec aliquid umbrae aut obscuritatis inerat; sed quod talis loquela mihi non percepta multoties erat causa, quod non ita cum iis loquerer, sic erat surrepta, seu non audita; sicut pluries factum est. 1748, 6 Aug.

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