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《灵界经历》 第2831节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2831

2831. About the quarters to which fantasies carry them off

That angels thus fall down when they are absorbed in fantasies supported by reasonings, may be seen earlier [2823-2827]. There are very many such falls and at almost every moment, otherwise heaven cannot go on, for no one can ever to eternity be cleansed of fantasies, and not even entirely from a single one (but it is not a cleansing). When they fall down, they are then driven in fantasies some this way, some differently, some in this quarter, some in another, some vertically downwards, some in a different direction. Then those who suppose this is done in hell and in the world of spirits without any purpose - they fall vertically downwards into that swamp [2825]. It is muddy black because there is nothing of life. Only in the purpose of things is there what is living, because the Lord, Who is the Purpose, [is there].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2831


It may be seen above that angels fall down in such a manner [ita] when [they wander] into phantasies confirmed by ratiocinations. Such falls are very numerous and nearly every moment: otherwise heaven could not subsist, for never to eternity can anyone be cleansed from phantasies, yea not fully from a single one (but it is not a cleansing). When they fall down then they are driven [exercised] [aguntur] according to phantasies, some in this way, some in that, some in this region, some in another, some perpendicularly downwards, some otherwise. Thus they who suppose [things] are done in hell and the world of spirits without any end [in view], these fall perpendicularly downwards into such a lake: it is black mud, because [they have] nothing of life. Only in the end of things is the living principle, because [it is] the Lord who [is] the End.

Experientiae Spirituales 2831 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2831. De plagis quo phantasiae auferunt eos

Quod angeli ita decidant, dum in phantasias confirmatas ratiocinationibus, videatur prius [2823-2827], tales lapsus sunt perplures, et fere quovis momento, aliter coelum non potest subsistere, nam nusquam potest quisquam in aeternum purgari a phantasiis, et ne quidem in plenum ab una, (sed non est purgatio); cum decidunt, tunc secundum phantasias aguntur, quidam ita, quidam aliter, quidam in hac plaga, quidam in alia, quidam perpendiculariter deorsum, quidam aliter: sic qui putant fieri absque aliquo fine in inferno, et mundo spirituum, ii labuntur perpendiculariter deorsum in tale stagnum [2825], est nigrum luteum, quia nihil vitae, soli fini rerum inest vivum, quia Dominus, Qui Finis.

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