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《灵界经历》 第2899节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2899

2899. Fear accomplishes nothing

It was proven by an actual experience that fear accomplishes nothing, but that after the fear [passes] the person or spirit returns to his or her former nature: they were smitten with quite a great fear that they would cease to live if they were away from me, for with me they live just as they did in the world or bodily life, knowing of no difference. Struck with that fear of the loss of life, they came to me and fearfully testified their fear. But a little later, they were scheming as before [458, 2171, 2592] how they might kill me and entirely deprive me of life. So they were of the same disposition after the fear as before the fear. 1748, 23 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2899


It was shown by living experience, that fear does not effect anything, but that after fear, men and spirits return to their former nature. Quite a great fear was inspired into them that they would cease to live if they went [were] away from me; for with me, they live just as in the world, or in the life of the body, not knowing anything different. When they were filled with that fear [timore] they came to me, and with fear [metu] manifested their fear; but shortly after, they consulted, as previously, how to kill me, and quite take away my life, so that there was the same mind after fear as before fear. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2899 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2899. Quod timor non efficiat

Per experientiam vivam ostensum est, quod timor nihil efficiat, sed quod post timorem homo et spiritus redeat ad pristinam naturam: timor iis incutiebatur satis magnus, quod amitterent vivere, si abessent a me, nam apud me vivunt sicut in mundo seu in vita corporis, nihil aliud scientes, timore isto jacturae vitae incusso, ad me veniebant, et testabantur suum metum, cum metu; sed paulo post, consultabant, ut prius [458, 2171, 2592], quomodo me necarent, et prorsus vitam mihi adimerent; sic ut idem animus erat post timorem quam ante timorem. 1748, 23 Aug.

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