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《灵界经历》 第2900节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2900

2900. On inward thought

Regarding inward thought, see above [17, 1307-1309, 1927, 2524-2533, 2888-2893, 2896]. I spoke with spirits about inward thought, and so that I might learn what it was like, outward thought was taken away from me so that I could think nothing due to objects, and thus could scarcely think anything at all. Nevertheless, in that state I was hearing what they said, but without reflection on the things they were saying. Presently it was granted me to observe-it was being recalled to my remembrance-that I had been like this for some time, namely, in inward thought, when I had thought while [walking] on the street, or at the table, or sometimes in company, about the things that have been written, and I myself had not noticed it.

Then a double thinking was clearly discerned and made manifest to me, namely, an inward thinking on matters subject to the understanding, and a thinking on matters pertaining to the objects of the senses-as when I read the Word of the Lord. I observed a double thought clearly, and for a long time, as I also do now while I am writing, and very frequently when I am reading, when I hear spirits speaking with me. Then an inward thinking is clearly noticeable, and was observed by the spirits. 1748, 23 Aug.

Those who have inward thought also have outward thought. Afterwards the same spirit spoke with me just as those do who are outward [spirits].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2900


See above, concerning interior thought. I spoke with spirits concerning interior thought, and in order that I might know of what quality it was, exterior thought was taken away from me, so that I thought nothing [that came] from objects, nevertheless, so as scarcely to think concerning anything [existing] in act: yet in that state I heard what they said, but without reflection as to what they said; which was immediately given to observe. There was recalled into my remembrance that I have been long of such a character [in such a state], to wit, in interior thought, when I have thought of those things which I wrote, in the street, at the table, sometimes in conversation, when I myself had not observed. Then was, plainly [manifest, I think] perceived and shown to me, a double [two- fold] thought, to wit, an interior thought concerning matters subject to the understanding, and concerning matters that were the objects of the senses: like as when I had read in the Lord's Word, then was observed a double [duplex] thought, and for a long time. In like manner, in this state while I write, and very often when I read, when I hear spirits speaking with me, then the interior thought is plainly apperceived, and observed by spirits. - 1748, August 23. They who have interior thought, also have exterior [thought]; the same spirit afterwards spoke with me, in the same manner, as those who are exterior.

Experientiae Spirituales 2900 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2900. De cogitatione interiore

De cogitatione interiore vide prius [17, 1307-1309, 1927, 2524-2533, 2888-2893]: loquutus sum cum spiritibus de cogitatione interiore, utque scirem 1

qualis esset, demebatur mihi cogitatio exterior, sic ut nihil ex objectis cogitarem, sic tamen ut vix de aliqua re certa cogitarem, usque in eo statu audiebam, quid dicebant, sed absque reflexione ad ea quae dicebant; quod mox observare dabatur: in reminiscentiam meam revocabatur quod talis fuerim diu, nempe in cogitatione interiore, cum cogitaverim de iis quae scripta sunt, in platea, ad mensam, quandoque in conversatione, cum non ipse observassem; tunc 2

manifesta mihi percepta et manifestata duplex cogitatio, nempe cogitatio interior, de rebus intellectui subjectis, et de rebus quae objectorum sensuum essent, sicut cum legissem Verbum Domini, tunc observabatur duplex cogitatio manifeste, et diu: sicut etiam in hoc statu dum scribo, et saepissime, cum lego, cum audio spiritus loquentes mecum, tunc interior cogitatio manifeste appercipitur, et a spiritibus observata. 1748, 23 Aug. Qui interiorem cogitationem habent, etiam exteriorem habent, postea idem spiritus mecum loquutus est sicut qui exteriores sunt.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

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