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《灵界经历》 第2901节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2901

2901. About those who observe filth

Those spoken of earlier [2843, 2850] think about filth, wherever they are. I spoke with the spirits and was prompted to tell them they are like hornets in their flight that always find out by smell alone-it is not known whether they do so by sight-where there is dung. They are brought to it by the odor, because the odor is pleasing to them, so the enjoyment of it draws them, and there they live.

Therefore those spirits are brought by a kind of sense of smell, or something analogous to smell, to observe such things, which would otherwise have gone unobserved. 1748, 23 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2901


I spoke with spirits concerning those who, wherever they are, reflect upon filth, of whom [I have spoken] before; and it was given to tell them, that they are like wasps, who when they fly, still discover, by smell alone, it is not known [that they do so] by sight, where ordure is; they are borne [carried along] according to the odor, for the odor is agreeable to them; wherefore, they are carried away by pleasantness, and there live: thus that those spirits are carried away, as it were, by smell, or something represented by smell, so as to have observed such things; which otherwise would have been wholly unobserved. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2901 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2901. De iis qui sordes observant

De iis reflectunt, ubicunque sunt, super sordes, de quibus prius [2843, 2850], cum spiritibus loquutus, et datum est dicere iis, quod similes sint crabronibus, qui dum volant, usque inveniunt solo olfactu, et nescitur num visu, ubi fimus, secundum odorem feruntur, nam odor iis suavis est, quare jucunditate ejus auferuntur, ibique vivunt: sic quod spiritus isti quasi olfactu, vel quodam per olfactum repraesentato, auferantur, ut observaverint talia, quae alioquin inobservata prorsus fuissent. 1748, 23 Aug.

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