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《灵界经历》 第2960节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2960

2960. The apparent inflow from a person on earth to the Lord

It appears as if human thoughts, from a person on earth or from a spirit, move the Lord, when yet all things to the very least flow in from the Lord, thus into the person, not from the person [see 2552-2554]. For I am taught that the fact is, when the life of the Lord flows into a subject fit to receive, heaven is moved, because the order is complete, and the receiving vessel, so to speak, is fit to receive. It is different when it is not fit, for then the qualities flowing in cannot operate. 1748, 28 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2960


It appears as if man's thoughts [proceeding] from man or spirit, affect the Lord, when yet each and all things inflow from the Lord, thus into man, not from man. I am instructed that the matter stands so, when the life of the Lord inflows into a subject adapted for receiving; that heaven is affected, because order is complete, and there is, as it were, a recipient vessel adapted for receiving. It is different, when there is not a fit [vessel], then those things which inflow cannot operate. - 1748, August 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2960 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2960. De apparente influxu ab homine ad Dominum

Apparet sicut cogitata hominis, ex homine aut spiritu, Dominum afficiant, cum tamen omnia et singula influant a Domino, sic in hominem, non ab homine [vide 2552-2554], nam instruor, quod ita se habeat, cum vita Domini influit in subjectum aptum recipiendi, quod coelum afficiatur, quia impletus ordo quasi vas recipiens est aptum recipiendi, aliter dum non aptum est, tunc non operari possunt ea quae influunt. 1748, 28 Aug.

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