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《灵界经历》 第3134节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3134

3134. Spirits speak the things that others are inwardly thinking

It is known that there are speaking mediums, and the one who is speaking speaks from the thoughts of others, which has just now been made very obvious to me when one was speaking, and I thought it to be a certain one, when yet he who was speaking was not that one. Presently another said that the first one was speaking the things the other was thinking inwardly, which could not be prevented. This shows that the things mediums speak are the thoughts of others, as I have noticed many times previously [see 1252-1255, 2099-2101, 2316, 2376, 2969, 3072]. 1748, 12 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3134


It is known that there are subjects who speak, and he who speaks, speaks from the thoughts of another; which was now plainly shown me when one spoke, and I thought him to be a certain one, when yet he who spoke was not so; immediately another said that the subject spoke the things which he thought interiorly, which could not be prevented. Hence, it may be manifest that these things which subjects speak, are the thoughts of others, as has been observed several times previously. - 1748, September 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3134 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3134. Quod spiritus loquantur ea, quae alii interius cogitant

Notum est, quod subjecta sint loquentia, et qui loquitur, is ex aliorum cogitationibus loquitur, quod manifestius nunc mihi ostensum, cum unus loqueretur, et cogitarem aliquem esse, cum tamen is qui loquebatur, non erat, mox dicebat alter, quod is loqueretur ea quae cogitaret, interius, quod inhiberi non potuit, inde constare potest, quod ea quae subjecta loquuntur, sint cogitata aliorum, quod pluries prius observatum est [vide 1252-1255, 2099-2101, 2316, 2376, 2969, 3072]. 1748, 12 Sept.

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