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《灵界经历》 第3157节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3157

3157. A spirit supposed that he was entirely myself, and that he was furnished with a body

The same spirit [3156] told me that he was speaking with me in his own language, to which I was prompted to reply, that it was not his own language, but mine, just as those who were far off [2137]. And further [I asked him] whether he supposed that he had lips and a tongue by which he speaks, and what need was there for lips and a tongue in the other life? But he thought he had them.

Another spirit, when I stretched out my hand and he thought by a reflection given him that he took hold of it, said that it was he who took hold of it. It was given me to tell him that so he supposes, but that it was I who took hold, and so on.

When others insisted that they were my body, so to speak, I was prompted to say that my body is joined to my spirit, so that it is the body of my spirit, and that the body of this spirit was dead. But he therefore only flowed into my spirit, as spirits do into the spirits of others, and

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3157


(The same spirit told me that he spoke with me, in his language, to whom it was granted to reply, that it was not his [language] but mine; [our tongues were] like persons foreign to each other [sicut ii qui longinqui]: and further, whether he supposes that he has lips and tongue, wherewith to speak, and what need [was there] of lips and tongue in the other life. But he thought that be had them. Another spirit also, when I stretched out [my] hand, and he supposed from the reflection given [him] that he took hold [of it], said that it was he who took hold [of it]: to whom it was granted to say that so he supposes, but that it was I who took hold [of it]; and further, when other spirits insisted that they were as it were my body, it was granted to tell [them] that my body is adjoined to my spirit, so that there is a body of my spirit, and that the body of his spirit was dead: and therefore, that [he] merely inflowed into my spirit, as if a spirit into another [spirit].

Experientiae Spirituales 3157 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3157. Quod spiritus putaverit se prorsus me esse, tum quod corpore praeditus

Idem spiritus [3156] mihi dixit, quod loqueretur mecum sua lingua, cui respondere datum, quod non sua sed mea, sicut ii qui longinqui [2137] porro, num putet se habere labia linguam, quibus loquatur quid opus labiis lingua in altera vita? sed putabat se habere; alius spiritus etiam cum exporrigerem manum putaret ex data reflexione, quod is prehenderet, dicebat quod is esset qui prehenderet, cui dicere datum, quod hoc putet, sed quod ego prehendi porro, cum instarent alii, quod quasi essent meum corpus, dicere datum, quod 1

corpus meum adjunctum est spiritui meo, sic ut sit corpus mei spiritus, et quod corpus ejus spiritus esset mortuum; at sic quod solum

(3158.) influeret in meum spiritum, sicut spiritus in aliorum, et tunc cum spiritus meus facit corpore, putant ii quod faciant 2

corpore meo: et nunc, quod hoc impossibile sit, quod alius spiritus possit alius corpus possidere, nisi sicut obsessus ageret, nam nullus spiritus quadrat ad meum corpus quam meus, secundum spiritum meum concordant omnia et singula, seu correspondent quae corporis, ut unum faciant correspondendo; nexus est mei spiritus cum corpore, qui nusquam dari potest alius spiritus cum meo corpore. 1748, 14 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has quod quod

1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition facerent

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