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《灵界经历》 第3302节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3302

3302. Someone was then shown being carried. Her face was bright, which I could not see for the brightness. She was carried from in front to the left, toward the back, and it was suggested, then revealed, that it was his mother, for he was thinking it was his mother, but the thought fell into [the midst of] the evildoers who were being punished, as said. For he had wanted to call his mother to his aid, perhaps because she was worshipped by them as a goddess.

Then he also was shown to me such as he had been in his life-his his face was brown, here and there clay-colored, and human yellow, but brownish black, quite ugly-sitting close to the ground on some stool in a corner. Whether it is a house, or outside a house, I do not know. His head is trembling, like an old man's, which is the most general form of the motion of those who speak by tiny movements of the lips [3278]; for this is a consequence.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3302

3302. There was then shown a certain one [quoedam] [who was carried] - her face was white [bright], which I could not see for the whiteness [brightness]. She was carried from the anterior, backwards to the left; and it was insinuated, [and] then manifested, that she was his mother; for he thought of his mother; but the thought fell upon the evil-doers, who were punished, as has been told. For he wished to call his foster-mother; perhaps because she was worshipped by them as a goddess; and then he was shown to me, such as he was during his life - he had a brownish face, here and there of a muddy color [lutea] and of human yellow; but [in general] a brownish black; he was exceedingly hideous [and had] a seat near the ground; he was seated, as it were, upon something humble, in the corner. I do not know whether he has a house, or is outside of a house. He nods [shakes] his head, like an old man. This was the most general movement of those who speak by slight motions of the lip - for this is the result [of that].

Experientiae Spirituales 3302 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3302. Ostensa tunc quaedam portata, cujus facies erat candida, quam ob candorem non videbam, portata ab anteriori sinistro retrorsum, et insinuatum tum manifestatum, quod esset mater ejus, nam cogitabat matrem suam, sed cogitatio incidebat in maleficos 1

, qui puniebantur, ut dictum; nam matrem suam in auxilium vocare voluit, forte quia ea coleretur ab iis pro dea, tum quoque is mihi ostensus, qualis in vita sua, facie erat brunea, sparsim lutea, et flava humana, sed brunea nigra, deformis admodum, sedens juxta solum quasi super humile quoddam in angulo: sive domus sit sive extra domum non scio, is vibrans caput sicut vetulus, quod erat motus communissimum 2

eorum qui motiunculis labiorum loquuntur; nam hoc consequens est.


1. The Manuscript has maleficos

2. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has communissimus substituit

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