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《灵界经历》 第406节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 406

406. About the coldness of those who are part of the devil's gang

Every time a smaller or larger number of the diabolic gang, or those from hell, were allowed to draw near, I was seized with varying degrees of cold, and indeed, in different parts of the body - around the head, at the ears, around the body, on the feet. I could tell by the cold that they were coming, as well as by a usually chilly gust of air; and on almost every occasion I even spoke with them.

As said before [372-373], they are governed by an evil or a wicked nature, as if by instinct, and are entirely irrational, not knowing what they are doing, and yet imagine themselves to be more intelligent than all in heaven and completely in charge. For this reason, since their wickedness is ingrafted and they are incapable of understanding, I was obliged out of pity to speak kindly with them.

This surprised some who had not long before departed life in the body and had brought with them the idea that one should not speak with a devil, but rather should constantly chastise them. However, they were then instructed on this point: for when God the Messiah is protecting someone, nothing can harm him, nor does it harm him if the whole of hell should close in on him, both from without and from within, as much supernatural experience has proven to me. 1747, the 26th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 406


As often as it was permitted that fewer or more of the diabolic crew, that is, of the spirits from hell, approached, just so often was I seized with a greater or lesser degree of cold, and indeed in different parts of the body, around the head, towards the ears, around the body, towards the feet. I could know of their coming from the cold: also from the blast of air for the most part cold, and this, almost as often as I have spoken with them. They are governed, as was said above [nos. 372-373 by evil or by malice which is natural, as if instinctive, and are deprived of everything rational so that they do not know what they do; but still they suppose that they are more intelligent than all in heaven, and are exercising command in the highest degree. Therefore, since malice is inherent in them, and they are impotent of understanding, I was bound from compassion to speak gently with them: at which those wondered who had not so long departed from the life of the body, and who had brought with them the idea that they should not speak with a devil, but should continually chastise them. However, they were instructed concerning this: for when God Messiah protects man, nothing harms him; nor is he harmed even if the whole hell should encompass him both without and within, as was made sufficiently evident to me by much and prodigious experience. 1747, Dec. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 406 (original Latin 1748-1764)

406. De frigore eorum qui ex turba diaboli sunt

Quoties permissum est, ut pauciores vel plures ex diabolica turba, seu ab inferno, accederent, toties frigore correptus sum majori minorique, et quidem in diversis corporis locis, circum caput, ad aures, circum corpus, ad pedes, ex frigore adventum eorum nosse poteram, tum ex flatu ut plurimum frigido; et quidem cum iis fere toties loquutus sum: reguntur ut prius dictum [372-373] malo seu malitia naturali, quasi instinctu, et orbati omni rationali, ut non sciant quid agant, sed usque putent se intelligentiores esse omnibus in coelo, et esse summe imperantes; quare cum malitia est insita, et sunt impotentes intelligendi, ex miseratione debui modeste cum iis loqui, quod mirati sunt ii qui non ita diu decesserunt e vita corporis, qui secum traxerunt eam ideam, quod cum diabolo non loquerentur, sed eos jugiter castigarent, sed usque instructi de eo sunt; nam cum Deus Messias tutatur hominem, tum nihil nocet, nec nocet si circumfunderet [eum] totus infernus, tam extus quam intus, sicut ab experientia multa et prodigiosa, mihi satis constitit. 1747, die 26 Dec.

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