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《灵界经历》 第4601节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4601

4601. When sirens arrive, they are constantly muttering something, but they also observe whether their muttering is being listened to anywhere. They immediately note that spirits are there and through wicked tricks at once put themselves into their thoughts and so join company [with them]. First they openly follow their thinking, and then they try to lead [their thoughts]. In this way they take possession of their minds. The spirits are then in a deplorable state, having no freedom to think, and unless they were liberated by the Lord, they would perish spiritually. For the sirens do not cease their tricks until they can enter openly into [one's] thoughts. It has been granted me to learn this from much experience, and I was amazed that this was possible, but it was unavoidable, and they cannot they be held off, because as said [4598] they cannot be assailed except by the Lord.

When they have taken possession of the thought so that that the spirit is incapable of thinking anything apart from them, and also from them, then, if he does not wish to follow, they have certain cowbells which they make the spirit ring without stopping to the point that he virtually collapses, as it were incapable of thought. In this way they nearly kill the spirit; for they are most criminal women.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4601

4601. When the sirens arrive, they constantly mutter something, and, at the same time, they observe whether the muttering becomes fixed anywhere. They at once note that there must be spirits in that place [where the sound becomes fixed]; and, forth with, by means of their execrable arts, they thrust themselves into their thoughts, and thus bind them. At first, they openly follow their thoughts, then they attempt to lead; and thus they obsess them. The spirits are then in a deplorable state, without the freedom of thinking; and, unless liberated by the Lord, they would spiritually perish; for they [the sirens] do not desist from their arts before they enter openly into the thoughts. This it was granted me to know from much experience, and I wondered how it could happen; but it was unavoidable, nor could they be expelled thence, because not approached, as was said, except by the Lord. When they have occupied the thought, then, in order that anyone who is not willing to follow them, may be without power to think except in agreement with them and also from them, they have certain cowbells into which they compel the spirit to speak, and this continuously, until he falls down as if hardly master of his own mind. In this manner they make the spirit to die, as it were; for they are most vicious.

Experientiae Spirituales 4601 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4601. Sirenes cum adveniunt, continuo aliquid murmurant, sed idem etiam observant si alicubi figitur murmur, ibi statim observant quod sint spiritus, et statim per artes suas nefandas conjiciunt se in cogitationes eorum, et sic ligant, sequuntur primum eorum cogitationes manifeste, dein tentant ducere, ita obsident, spiritus tunc in lamentabili statu sunt, absque libero cogitandi, et nisi liberarentur a Domino, perirent spiritualiter, nam artibus suis non desinunt antequam intrent in cogitationes manifeste, ab multa experientia hoc scire datum est, et miratus quomodo hoc fieri posset, sed erat inevitabile, nec possunt inde arceri, quia non adiri, ut dictum [4598], nisi a Domino. Cum occuparunt cogitationem, ut impos sit cogitare aliquid nisi una cum illis quoque ab illis, si non vult sequi, tunc habent certos boum tinnulos, quos loquendos adigunt spiritum hoc continue usque fere ut cadat sicut impos mentis, hoc modo mortificant quasi spiritum, sunt enim sceleratissimae.

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