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《灵界经历》 第4884节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4884

4884. Continuation

There was a certain one who wanted to be the devil himself and all in hell his gang, and therefore he declared war against the Lord. Everyone in the hells round about was streaming to him and worshiping him and stirring evildoing of every kind with the result that after several years he became a concentrated hell. It was also shown that he had utterly nothing of what is human left. In the world he had been inwardly the haughtiest of all (C[harles] XII 1), from which he acquired a desire to rule over the universe. From this the reason was shown for his hatred for the Lord and for all who worshiped Him and in general, God. He abominated this worship from the heart as soon as he heard of [it]. He also took a hypocritical and profane hell to himself, through it unceasingly devoting his energy to attracting spirits who possessed truths from some goodness [which they had], because they are in the lowest parts of heaven and are affected by superficial goodness even when it is hypocritical and profane, being ignorant of this superficiality because they are involved in superficial matters. As long as he was able to do this, he was able to be visible and not be driven away. There were many reasons why he could not be driven away for a long time.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4884


There was a certain one who wished that he might be the devil himself and that all in hell might be his crew, and who therefore declared war against the Lord. All who were in the hells around flocked together to them and worshipped him, and spurred him on to the commission of all kinds of evils, so that after several years he would become a concentrated hell. It was also shown plainly that he had nothing of the human quality remaining, and that, in the world, he had been inwardly the haughtiest of all men (Charles XII) and had thence derived his wish to have dominion over the universe: hence was manifested the cause of his hatred against the Lord, and against all who were in his favor, and, in general, who worshipped God. He vowed this hatred in his heart, as soon as he heard of such a thing. He also put on a hypocritical and profane hell, constantly studying thereby to draw to himself spirits who were in truths from some good; for these are in the ultimates of heaven, and are affected with external good, and also, with hypocritical and profane good. This happens through their being ignorant of its quality, because they are in externals. So long as this could occur, so long could he be in their vicinity without being driven away. That he was not expelled for so long a time was for many reasons.

Experientiae Spirituales 4884 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4884. Continuatio

Erat quidam, qui volebat ut ipse diabolus esset, et quod omnes in inferno esset ejus turba, et qui ideo declarabat bellum contra Dominum, ad illum confluebant omnes qui in infernis circum, et illum colebant et ad omnia mala agendum excitabant, sic ut post aliquot annos fieret ille infernum concentratum, ostensum quoque quod plane nihil de humano reliquum haberet, is in mundo fuerat omnium fastuosissimus intus (C. XII), unde traxerat quod dominari vellet super universum, inde causa declarata odii contra Dominum, et contra omnes qui Ipsum, et in genere Deum colebant, hoc devovebat ex corde, illico ut audiret: etiam induendo infernum hypocriticum et prophanum, studendo continue per illa adsciscere spiritus qui in veris essent ex aliquo bono, nam illi in ultimis coeli sunt, et afficiuntur bono externo, etiam hypocritico et prophano, id nesciendo, quia in externis; quamdiu hoc fieri potuit, tamdiu potuit in conspectu esse, et non abigebatur. Quod non abigeretur tamdiu, plures causae fuerunt.

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