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《灵界经历》 第515节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 515

515. Two punishments of spirits, namely, that of being pulled apart, and the veil: how they take place in a person [on earth]

A person on earth cannot be pulled apart between two contrary [forces] as a spirit can [404], for the reason that neither his body, nor consequently his lower mind - because it adheres to the body - can be torn to pieces without his completely perishing, or dying. Therefore, in place of this punishment, or this type of purging process, a person on earth is held in between evil and good feelings [pressing upon him] from both sides, each of which tries to conquer. Thus he is held in a balance, and drawn hither and thither, and safely his indignation is kindled into anger, then perhaps turned into despair, or to the thought of [eternal] unhappiness for himself through his downfall.

This is how [the punishment of] being pulled apart exists with people on earth; and to these kinds of temptations, they seem to yield.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 515


Man cannot be torn asunder between two contrary forces, like a spirit, for the reason that neither his body, nor thus his "animus" - for this coheres to the body - can be torn to pieces without perishing altogether, or dying. Therefore instead of that torment or species of vastation in man, he is held between evil and good affections on two sides, each of which wants to conquer; thus he is held in equilibrium, and drawn hither and thither, and his extreme indignation is kindled into anger, even until it is turned into desperation, or into the thought of his own unhappiness or downfall. This with man is discerption. Men seem to succumb under these kinds of temptations.

Experientiae Spirituales 515 (original Latin 1748-1764)

515. Bina supplicia spirituum, nempe discerptio et velum, quomodo fiunt in homine

Homo non potest discerpi inter bina contraria sicut spiritus, ob causas quia dilacerari nequit corpus, nec ita ejus animus, quia cohaeret corpori, nisi prorsus periret seu moreretur, quare pro eo supplicio seu vastationis specie in homine est, quod teneatur inter affectiones malas et bonas, a binis partibus, quae 1

volunt vincere, sic tenetur in aequilibrio, et huc illucque trahitur, et secure accenditur indignatio in iram, tum etiam vertitur in desperationem, seu cogitationem 2

de sua 3

infelicitate, aut lapsu, hoc est discerptio penes hominem; hisce 4

tentationum speciebus succumbere videntur homines.


1. The Manuscript has qui ut apparet. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. The Manuscript has hissce

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