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《灵界经历》 第5258节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5258

5258. A continuation about the Mohammedans and their last judgment

It was said above [5240] that they form a region surrounding the Christians, who form the nucleus. I saw that they were brought down from the west. And those who were round about there, amounting a great multitude, were brought the east by a northward way, on what appeared be a circular route; along the route those who were evil were thrown outside this region, where there is a vast space. They were separated from the rest. There was a desert there there were swamps ponds as well as forests into which those who had led an evil life were throw This space was behind that mountain spoken of [5249-5257] where there was such a great number of monasteries, which were destroyed along with the mountai On the northern side of this space was an immense, extensive quagmire, into which many were cast, about which .

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5258


It has been stated above [No. 5240 that these constitute a circle around the Christians, who form a nucleus. I saw that they were brought from the west; and they who were round about there, as much as a great multitude, were brought along a way towards the north-east, apparently in a circular track; and, on the way, those who were evil were cast outside that sphere, where is a space of great extent. These were separated from the rest. There was a desert there, also marshes and ponds, and woods as well; and into these those who led an evil life were cast. This space was at the back of that mountain of which I have spoken just above, where was such a multitude of monasteries which were destroyed with the mountain. At the side of that space, towards the north, was an immense and broad gulf, into which many were cast - of whom below.

Experientiae Spirituales 5258 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5258. Continuatio de Mahumedanis et eorum ultimo judicio

Dictum supra quod illi ambitum faciant circum Christianos, qui faciunt nucleum; vidi quod illi deducti sint ab occidente, et qui ibi circumcirca ad multam multitudinem per viam versus septentrionem, ad orientem, in circulari via ad apparentiam, et qui mali in via conjecti sunt extra sphaeram illam, ubi spatium multae extensionis, qui separabantur a reliquis, ibi erat desertum, et ibi paludes, et stagna, tum sylvae, in illa conjecti sunt illi qui malam vitam egerunt; hoc spatium erat a tergo montis illius, de quo mox supra [5249-5257] ubi tanta multitudo monasteriorum, quae deleta cum monte; a latere spatii illius versus septentrionem erat vorago ingens et extensa, in quam conjecti plures, de quibus infra.

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