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《灵界经历》 第5273节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5273

5273. The visitation then entered that great underground town. There was a great opening on the front and from there a road on each side and also in front. But first there was a rise there and after this a descent, so that the entrance could not be seen on the side where the city was earlier.

5273[1/2]. It is important to know that that this pope's dominion covered that whole wide, large tract spoken of above [5269]. It extended widely around where there were villages and clusters of houses as well. So his power extended very far.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5273

5273. The visitation next entered that great under-city. 1There was a great opening in front, and a road from thence on both sides, and also forwards. But first, there was an elevation there, and afterwards a descent, for the purpose that that entrance should not be exposed on that side where the former city was. 2


1. See n. 5270.

2. i.e. the little city on the top of the mountain. - See n. 5270, beginning.

5273a. It should first be known, that the dominion of that Pope was over all that wide and ample tract concerning which see above [no. 5269] - which extended widely round about, and where villas and houses were closely packed; so that his power was very widespread.

Experientiae Spirituales 5273 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5273. Dein intrabat visitatio in suburbium illud magnum, erat apertura magna antrorsus, et inde via utrinque a latere, et quoque antrorsum, sed ibi elevatum prius, et postea descensus, ex causa ut introitus ille non pateret ab illa parte, ubi urbs prior.

5273 [1/[2] . Sciendum primum quod dominium illius papae esset super totum illum tractum de quo supra latum et amplum, qui se extendebat tam late circum ubi villae, et domus confertim: sic ut ejus potestas maxime extensa esset.

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