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《灵界经历》 第5274节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5274

5274. When the visitation spoken of earlier came in, all in the monasteries, whoever they were, were then brought out until all the monasteries were empty. The Divine force was so compelling that no one could stay, but all were brought out as a result of this exodus. Those who were brought out first were taken to the region toward the front, spoken of earlier [5273]. It had been a valley beneath which there were many hells, which were driven out until it looked like there was smoke. In a word, it was the whole northern region up to the mountains. At that time a large swamp was there. Into it were thrown those who had been brought out first, of whom there was an enormous number. After this those who had been led out were carried to that southern mountain chasm into which the mountain gaped open, as said above [5231, 5256], and they were there driven into the deep. Lastly, those who appeared entirely covered with calluses were brought out, who are those who are the kind who have no residue of goodness and have more self-love than others. They were thrown down into a gloomy cavern under that mountain at the side of its swampy valley. As a result all the monasteries were empty and after this were destroyed. They all had been thrown out so the city was entirely empty of monasteries.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5274

5274. When the visitation, as was said, entered there, then all who were in the monasteries were brought out until all the monasteries were emptied. A Divine force compelled them, so that nobody could withstand it; but all were brought out through that exit. Those who were first brought forth, were taken to the place towards the front previously mentioned, that had been a valley, under which were many hells which were cast forth, until as it were a smoke appeared. In a word, it was the whole northern region, as far as the mountainous district. At that time, there was a great swamp there; and into this those were cast who were brought out first, of whom there was an immense number. Those who were brought out after these, were taken to that southern mountain chasm - into which the mountain was cleft, as above said [no. 5231] - and were there driven into the depth. Lastly, were brought forth some who appeared altogether hard, who are those that have nothing of good remaining and are in self-love above others. These were cast [into] a gloomy cavern, under that mountain, at the side of that marshy valley. Thus all the monasteries were emptied; and they were afterwards destroyed, so that the city was wholly cleared of monasteries.

Experientiae Spirituales 5274 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5274. Cum intravit visitatio, ut dictum est, tunc omnes quicunque erant in monasteriis, educebantur, usque ut omnia evacuarentur, vis Divina urgens erat, ut nemo subsistere posset, sed omnes educebantur per exitum illum, qui primum educebantur, ferebantur in locum, antrorsum, de quo prius [5273], qui fuerat vallis sub qua inferna plura, quae ejecta, usque ut apparuit sicut fumus, verbo plaga omnis septentrionalis usque montana; ibi tunc erat palus magna, illuc conjecti illi qui primum educebantur, quorum ingens numerus fuit; postea qui educti, ferebantur hiatum illum montanum meridionalem, in quem mons hiscuit, ut supra dictum [5231, 5256] ibi in profundum acti sunt: postremo educebantur qui apparebant prorsus callosi, qui sunt tales qui nihil boni residui habent, etiam in amore sui prae aliis, illi conjecti sunt [in] tenebricosam cavernam, sub illo monte latus illius vallis paludosae; inde omnia monasteria evacuata sunt, ac postea illa destructa; sic ut urbs plane absque monasteriis esset.

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