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《灵界经历》 第445节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 445

445. The quality of spirits is also to be judged by the quarters and position [in which they are]

As previously mentioned [439], those at the left are for the most part unhappy, and more [unhappy,] the more to the left their quarter lies. Those to the right are blessed. Furthermore, the spirits around a person who are at the back [see 557], are those who want to control his or her body, and believe they are that person, for which reason they cling to the person when they come up. Those who want to be bodies, and also those who torment people after death, cling from behind, nor do they depart until the person has found out what they are after. But those who are in front below the chest and who control the subthoracic breathing, are they who allow themselves to be controlled. Those standing overhead are both those who teach, as those who are easily taught. 1747, the 4th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 445


As was before observed [n. 439, those who are at the left are, for the most part, the unhappy, and indeed according to the quarter towards the left. Those who are at the right are the blessed. Moreover, those who are about man at the back are they who want to have command over his body, and suppose themselves to be the man; wherefore when they flow to a man, they also continue to cleave to him in this way. Those who want to be bodies, and those who torment man after death, adhere at the back, nor do they depart before he has disclosed what was sought. Those, however, who are in front beneath the breast, and who actuate the sub-thoracic respiration, are they who suffer themselves to be acted upon. Those who stand above the head are, in part, they who teach, also they who are teachable. 1748, Jan. 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 445 (original Latin 1748-1764)

445. Spiritus quales sunt ex plagis et situ quoque judicana

Ut prius observatum [439], qui a sinistris sunt, plurimum sunt infelices quidem secundum plagam versus sinistrum, qui dextram sunt beati, praeterea, qui circa hominem a tergo sunt [vide 557], sunt, qui corpori ejus imperare volunt, et putant se esse hominem, quare sic quoque adhaerescunt homini, cum alluunt; ii qui corpora esse volunt, ii quoque qui hominem post mortem torquent, a tergo adhaerent, nec discedunt, antequam detexerit, quid quaesitum; qui vero antrorsum sub pectore, et qui agunt respirationem subthoracicam sunt qui se patiuntur agi. Qui super caput stant, sunt partim qui docent, tum qui dociles sunt. 1748, d. 4 Jan.

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