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《灵界经历》 第589节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 589

589. About one kind of punishment of the evil spirits from the planet Jupiter

A kind of punishment that their worst undergo was shown to me. They are held as if in a tub, so bound up that they cannot move themselves at all. Meanwhile, they are troubled by dreadful fantasies about their own imprisonment, and a longing is aroused to come forth from their bonds. This being futile, the longing is joined by anxiety and torment, and they are told that they must bear these things until they have paid everything, even to "the last farthing" [Matt. 5:26]. Even so, they are set free. The appearance of their face was brought before me, and it was ugly, and as if it had been torn apart.

This punishment corresponds to both of the fantasies of the hellish crowd, that of being in a kind of tub [285-286], and also that of punishment by a veil, spoken about earlier [534-535]. It is said that they are then tormented miserably; but they were told that if they had paid the very last farthing, it would have taken forever. It was for this reason that the One Only Lord bore the cruelest tortures on our earth, in order that they may thus be freed, when yet they have borne this for only a dot of time.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 589


I was shown a certain punishment which the worst of them suffer. They are kept as it were in a tun, so bound that they are unable to move themselves at all, and in the meanwhile they are infested by dire phantasies about their incarceration, and the desire of releasing themselves from their bonds is excited, and because this is in vain there is thence anxiety and torment with the desire; and they are told that they ought to bear these things even until they have paid everything to the last farthing [Matt. v. 26]. But still they are liberated. 1The appearance of their face was exhibited to me; it was deformed, and as it were lacerated. This punishment agrees also with the phantasies of the infernal crew that they are in a certain tun; also with the punishment of the veil. See above [nos. 434-435, 516. They are then said to be miserably tormented, but they are told that if they should pay to the last farthing, it would be to eternity. Wherefore the one only Lord sustained the most cruel torments on our earth, so that they might be delivered after they have borne it for only a very little time.


1. In the Index (s.v. Velum) it is said, "and when without hope, they are liberated".

Experientiae Spirituales 589 (original Latin 1748-1764)

589. De poenae cujusdam specie, spirituum malorum telluris Jovis

Poena quaedam quam luunt pessimi eorum, mihi ostensa est, tenentur enim quasi in tonna, ita vincti, ut se non queant ullatenus movere 1

, et interea infestantur phantasiis diris, de sua incarceratione, et excitatur cupiditas se exserendi ex vinculis, quod quia 2

incassum, cum cupiditate, inde anxietas, et cruciatus, et dicitur eis, quod haec sustinere debeant 3

, usque dum solverint omnia ad "ultimum dodrantem" [Matth. V: 26-]; sed usque liberantur, eorum faciei 4

species mihi oblata est, quae deformis, et quasi dilacerata, haec punitio concordat tam cum infernalis turbae phantasiis quod sint in tonna quadam, tum etiam cum poena veli, de qua prius [434-435]; dicuntur ii misere tunc cruciari; sed dictum iis, quod si solvissent ad ultimum dodrantem, in 5

aeternum foret, quare Unicus Dominus cruciatus crudelissimos in nostra tellure sustinuit, ut sic ii liberantur, quando pusillum temporis modo id sustinuerint.


1. The Manuscript has moverre

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition deberent

4. inclarum in the Manuscript

5. The Manuscript has in in

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