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《灵界经历》 第642节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 642

642. Moreover, they thought that they were exempt from the same punishment others received, because, as they believe, they could withdraw within the more subtle [parts of] nature, and so be hidden away in secret. But they were disappointed. They were not only sent under the veil [see 435], but also glued together, like the beggars [see 431], and thus deprived of all freedom. And the more they wanted to free themselves, or cut themselves loose from each other, the more tightly they were bound. The punishment for them is a very intense torment, because it responds to their secret poisons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 642

642. Moreover, they thought that they would be immune from such punishment as others suffer, because, as they suppose, they could betake themselves into the more subtle nature and so lie hidden in secret; but nevertheless they were frustrated. Not only were they sent beneath the veil, but they were also conglutinated like the beggars, and thus deprived of all license; and the more they wanted to release themselves or cut themselves free from each other, the more closely were they bound together. This punishment to them is a torture all the more intense because it answers to their secret poisons.

Experientiae Spirituales 642 (original Latin 1748-1764)

642. Praeterea putarunt quod immunes essent a simili punitione, ac alii, quia, ut putant, se recipere potuissent intra subtiliorem naturam et sic abscondi, ita in abdito, sed usque frustrati sunt, nec solum sub velum missi sunt [vide 435], sed etiam conglutinati sicut mendicantes [vide 431], omni licentia sic orbati, et quo plus se dissolvere, seu a se invicem discindere vellent, eo arctius ligarentur, poena iis est intensioris cruciatus, quia respondet eorum venenis arcanis.

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