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《灵界经历》 第761节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 761

761. Continuation about the robbers

Again one of the robbers approached me like an entirely black cloud. He came up to my right side, striking fear into those who were with me, though not into me. For the mere presence of these robbers is such that it strikes those whom they approach with fear, terror, and even trembling. With all his energy he was bent on attacking me with his crafty tricks, but it was in vain. He even stretched out his right hand [see 726], trying to exercise an imaginary power, but he could accomplish nothing whatsoever. By the way, when that black robber appeared, he had stars around him, as well as a starry sky.

761. 1/2. Just this one observation occurs to me as worth mentioning, that he portrayed women with beautiful faces [see 727], and then wanted to sneak them in with the purpose of gaining the opportunity to steal, which he also attempted to do by use of his illusive arts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 761


One of the robbers who was like an entirely black cloud again came to me. He applied himself to my right side and struck fear in those who were with me, but not in me; for the presence of these robbers is such as to strike fear, terror, and even trembling, in those to whom they come. He wanted by his every effort to infest me with his artifices, but in vain. He also extended his right hand that he might exercise imaginary power, but he could effect nothing whatever. Moreover, when this black robber appeared he had stars before him, also a starry heaven. 1

761 1/2. Only this now occurred as worthy of mention: he represented women with beautiful faces, and thus he wanted to insinuate them with the intent that thereby he would be able to steal, which he also tried to do in accordance with his delusive arts.


1. The last sentence is a later addition crowded into a small space at the end of the paragraph, and was probably added when Swedenborg was making the Index.

Experientiae Spirituales 761 (original Latin 1748-1764)

761. Continuatio de latronibus

Iterum unus latronum [apparentia] sicut nubis prorsus nigrae ad me venit, qui se adplicuit dextro meo lateri, et incussit timorem iis qui apud me erant, non autem mihi; talis enim est eorum praesentia, ut incutiant timorem, terrorem, imo tremorem iis, ad quos veniunt; voluit omni conatu me infestare per sua artificia, sed incassum; is etiam extendebat dextram manum, ut exerceret potentiam imaginariam, sed nihil prorsus efficere potuit. Praeterea latro talis niger cum apparuit stellas circum se habebat, tum stelliferum coelum.

761a. Id solum observatu memorandum nunc occurrit, quod repraesentaverit faeminas, pulchrae faciei [vide 727], et quod sic voluerit insinuare eas, animo ut potuisset sic furari, quod etiam tentavit, secundum illusiones suas.

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