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《灵界经历》 第884节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 884

884. About the spirit longing for heaven

The same spirit spoken of earlier [872], who so ardently longed for heaven, came to me once more, and was dressed in I think even shabbier clothing. He said that he was really burning with desire to come to heaven; but he was still seemingly reproachful, being among those spirits of Jupiter who are eager to punish. This time he showed me a new action he had not known of before, namely, a kind of gently pulsating one around the part of the back above the hipbones, where a motion occurs like that of shaking at the knees; and he explained that he was now in this condition. I told him that this was a sign of shortly coming into heaven, for the reason that I knew him to be one of the sort who correspond to the genital vessels, where the generative particles are clothed with something like crusts, membranes or mantles, so that they can safely tarry there and eventually be safely transferred into the womb, there to be broken down gradually until the enclosed spiritual elements find their way to the ova.

His new kind of clothing told that he was now prepared for the exit; his action, that the moment was now at hand, for this is how the generative particles in the seminal vessels behave, when the time is at hand. His garment was now more crude, and in fact, having been told to cast off his clothing and thus come into heaven, he from his strong desire cast off his clothing so quickly that nothing could have been done more quickly. But this happened only for the sake of testing him, and of teaching me what the desires are like of those who relate to the seminal vessels in the other life. But he could not be received, as said [873-874], so he returned into his original state. Now he spoke with a forked tongue even worse [than before, 570], and was below the region where he had been before, being now in a shabbier condition on the outside. Those who later reach the point of passing from these bodily conditions to inward ones, and then on into what is heavenly, are brought by a way at the back, then between the knees, and are so raised up. 1748, 20 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 884


The same spirit spoken of above [n. 872 who so ardently desired heaven again came to me, clothed, as I thought, in a still shabbier garment. He said that he indeed longed to enter heaven, but he was still as it were castigating, and was among those spirits of Jupiter who desire to punish. He now showed me a new action which he did not know before, namely, a kind of softly pulsative action. It was above the hips, around that part of the back where there is a similar motion. He pulsated as though with supple knees. He said that now he was of such a nature. I told him that this was an indication that he would soon enter heaven, for I was aware that he was of that genus which corresponds to the genital vessels where the generative particles are clothed with such sheaths, membranes, and coverings, that they may remain securely and later be transferred in safety into the womb, and be there gradually dissolved until the enclosed spiritual particles are insinuated into the ovula. His new clothing indicated that he was then prepared for his exit. His action indicated that the moment was then at hand, for in such a way do the generative particles act in the vesiculae seminales when the time is at hand. His clothing was now rougher. When he was told that he might cast off his raiment and thus enter heaven, from his desire he cast it off so quickly that it could scarcely have been done more quickly. But this was only for the purpose of proving him, and of teaching me the quality of the desires of those in the other life who relate to the seminal vessels. As was said, however, that spirit could not be received, wherefore he returned to his former state. He now spoke with a still more divided tongue, and was below the former region, because in a worse state as to externals. Those who afterwards come hither, in order to pass from these corporeal things to what is interior, and successively to what is heavenly, are carried by a way at the back, then between the knees, and in this way are taken away. 1748, Feb. 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 884 (original Latin 1748-1764)

884. De spiritu desiderante coelum

Idem spiritus, de quo prius [872-877], qui desideravit tam ardenter coelum iterum ad me venit, ac ut reor adhuc vestitu deteriori 1

indutus, dicebat quidem, quod arderet venire ad coelum, sed usque erat quasi castigans, seu inter eos spiritus Jovis, qui punire cupiunt; mihi nunc novam actionem monstrabat, quam prius ignoravit, nempe quandam molliter pulsativam, erat circa partem tergi, supra coxendicem 2

, ubi motus similis, sicut genubus mollibus pulsaret, narrabat se nunc talem esse; dicebam ei, quod hoc indicium esset, brevi venire in coelum, ex causa, quia novi quod ex genere isto esset, qui correspondent vesiculis genitalibus, ubi particulae genetrices, induuntur similibus quasi crustis, membranis seu amictibus, ut secure possint morari, et dein secure transferri in uterum, et ibi sensim resolvi, usque dum inclusa spiritualia insinuantur ovulis. Amictus ejus novus referebat, quod tunc praeparatus ad exitum esset 3

, actio quod momentum instat tunc, quia ita tunc agunt in vesiculis seminalibus, quando tempus instat; amictus nunc rudior erat, imo dictum erat ei ut rejiceret 4

vestem suam et sic in coelum veniret, is ex desiderio tam cito rejecit vestem, ut vix aliquid citius, sed erat solum tentandi et me docendi causa, qualia sunt eorum desideria, qui 5

referunt vesicas seminales, in altera vita; sed non potuit recipi, sicut dictum est, quare rediit in pristinum statum: nunc loquebatur adhuc pejus bifide, et erat infra regionem priorem, quia nunc in deteriorem statum quoad externa; postea veniunt eo usque ut transeant a corporeis hisce ad interiora et sic porro in coelestia, ii feruntur per viam a tergo, sic inter genua, et sic auferuntur. 1748, 20 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has deterioriori

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. In the Manuscript imperfectum vel esst

4. imperfectum in the Manuscript

5. The Manuscript has quae

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