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《灵界经历》 第954节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 954

954. About those who constitute the province of the mammillary processes

This only is to be added [see 939-943], that those who constitute the province of the mammillary processes, when they come up - which is the face, not the body - emanate heat. Because revenge is fiery, or is portrayed by fire, therefore heat came from them. Thus from the heat the quality of it, as well as from its place distance every circumstance connected with its location with the objects around them, it can also be learned of what character a soul is. 1748, 23 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 954


This only is to be added [to nos. 939-943: When those who constitute the province of the mammillary processes apply themselves - which they do to the face, not to the body - they breathe forth a warmth, for vengeance is fiery and is represented by fire; hence, therefore, such warmth. Thus the quality of souls can be known also from the heat and its quality, and also from its place and distance, and from all the circumstances of its position and of the objects round about them. 1748, Feb. 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 954 (original Latin 1748-1764)

954. De iis qui constituunt provinciam processuum mamillarium

Hoc solum addendum est [vide 939-943], quod ii qui constituunt provinciam processuum mammillarium, dum se applicuere, quod fit ad faciem, non ad corpus, calidum spirent, quia vindicta est ignea, seu repraesentatur per ignem, ideo inde calidum, sic ex calore, et ejus qualitate, tum a loco et distantia, tum a nullis non circumstantiis situs, et objectorum circum eos, quoque sciri potest qualis anima est. 1748, 23 Febr.

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