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属天的奥秘 第6901节


  6901.“你和以色列的长老,要去见埃及王”表与那些陷入虚假并进行侵扰的人交流。这从“去见”(go in)和“长老”的含义,以及“摩西”和法老的代表清楚可知:“去见”是指交流,因为“去见”在灵义上是指将一个人的想法传给另一个人;“摩西”是指从神来的律法(参看6827节);“长老”是指聪明人(652365256890节);法老,或“埃及王”是指侵扰教会真理的虚假(665166796683节)。由此明显可知“你和以色列的长老,要去见埃及王”表示诸如属于从神来的律法和从该源头所获得的聪明的那类真理与那些陷入虚假并进行侵扰之人的交流。

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Potts(1905-1910) 6901

6901. And thou shalt go in, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt. That this signifies communication with those who are in falsities and who have infested, is evident from the signification of "going in," as being communication, for "to go in," in the spiritual sense, is to communicate to another one's thought; from the representation of Moses, as being the law from the Divine (see n. 6827); from the signification of "elders," as being the intelligent (n. 6523, 6525, 6890); and from the representation of Pharaoh, or the king of Egypt, as being falsity infesting the truths of the church (n. 6651, 6679, 6683). From all this it is evident that by "go in, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt" is signified the communication of such things as are of the law from the Divine, and of the intelligence thence derived, to those who are in falsities and who infested.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6901

6901. 'And you and the elders of Israel are to go in to the king of Egypt' means a communicating to those who are steeped in falsities and engage in molestation. This is clear from the meaning of 'going in to' as a communicating to, for in the spiritual sense 'going in to' is communicating one's thought to another; from the representation of 'Moses' as the law from God, dealt with in 6827; from the meaning of 'the elders' as those with intelligence, dealt with in 6524, 6525, 6890; and from the representation of Pharaoh or 'the king of Egypt' as falsity molesting the Church's truths, dealt with in 6651, 6679, 6683. From all this it is evident that 'you and the elders of Israel are to go in to the king of Egypt' means the communication of such truths as belong to the law from God, and belong to intelligence acquired from that source, to those who are steeped in falsities and engage in molestation.

Latin(1748-1756) 6901

6901. `Et intres tu et seniores Israelis ad regem Aegypti': quod significet communicationem cum illis qui in falsis et infestarunt, constat ex significatione `intrare' quod sit communicatio, nam `intrare' in spirituali sensu est communicare alteri cogitationem suam; ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit lex a Divino, de qua n. 6827; a significatione `seniorum' quod sint intelligentes, de qua n. (x)6524, 6525, 6890; et a repraesentatione `Pharaonis' seu `regis Aegypti' quod sit falsum infestans vera Ecclesiae, de qua n. 6651, 6679, 6683; ex his patet quod per `intres tu et seniores Israelis ad regem Aegypti' {1}significetur communicatio talium quae sunt legis a Divino ac inde intelligentiae cum illis qui in falsis et infestarunt. @1 significatur$

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