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属天的奥秘 第2657节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2657

2657. Cast out this handmaid and her son. That this signifies that the things of the merely human rational should be banished, is evident from the signification of "casting out," as being to banish; from the signification of a "handmaid," as being the affection of rational things and memory-knowledges, thus as being the good of them (see n. 2567); and from the signification of her "son," as being the truth of that rational (see n. 264, 489, 533, 1147). But it is apparent good and truth which are predicated of this first or merely human rational. Hence it is that "cast out this handmaid and her son," signifies that the things of the merely human rational were to be banished. How this is, namely, that the first rational was banished when the Divine rational took its place, has been stated and shown several times before; but as it is here treated of specifically, it must be still further explained in a few words. [2] With every man who is being regenerated there are two rationals, one before regeneration, the other after regeneration. The first, which is before regeneration, is procured through the experience of the senses, by reflections upon things of civic life and of moral life, and by means of the sciences and the reasonings derived from them and by means of them, also by means of the knowledges of spiritual things from the doctrine of faith or from the Word. But these go no further at that time than a little above the ideas of the corporeal memory, which comparatively are quite material. Whatever therefore it then thinks is from such things; or, in order that what it thinks may be comprehended at the same time by interior or intellectual sight, the semblances of such things are presented by comparison, or analogically. Of this kind is the first rational, or that which is before regeneration. [3] But the rational after regeneration is formed by the Lord through the affections of spiritual truth and good, which affections are implanted by the Lord in a wonderful manner in the truths of the former rational; and those things in it which are in agreement and which favor are thus vivified; but the rest are separated from it as of no use; until at length spiritual goods and truths are collected together as it were into bundles, the incongruous things which cannot be vivified being rejected to the circumference, and this by successive steps, as spiritual goods and truths grow, together with the life of the affections of them. From this it appears what the second rational is. [4] How the case is with these things may be illustrated by comparison with the fruit of trees. The first rational, in the beginning, is like unripe fruit, which gradually matures till it forms seeds within itself, and when it is of such age as to begin to separate itself from the tree, its state is then full (see above, n. 2636). But the second rational, with which one is gifted by the Lord when he is being regenerated, is like the same fruit in good ground, in which those things which are round about the seeds decay, and the seeds push forth from their inmost parts, and send out a root, and then a shoot above the ground, which grows into a new tree, and unfolds itself at length even into new fruits, and then into gardens and paradises, according to the affections of good and truth which it receives (see Matt. 13:31-32; John 12:24). [5] But as examples aid conviction, take as an example that which is man's own before regeneration, and that which is his own after it. From the first rational, which he has procured to himself by the means described above, the man believes that he thinks truth and does good from himself, and thus from what is his own. This first rational cannot apprehend otherwise, even if it has been instructed that all the good of love and all the truth of faith are from the Lord. But when man is being regenerated, which takes place in adult age, then from the other rational with which he is gifted by the Lord he begins to think that the good and truth are not from himself, or from what is his own, but from the Lord (but that nevertheless he does good and thinks truth as from himself, may be seen above, n. 1937, 1947). The more he is then confirmed in this, the more is he led into the light of truth respecting these things, till at last he believes that all good and all truth are from the Lord. The Own that belongs to the former rational is then successively separated, and the man is gifted by the Lord with a heavenly Own, which becomes that of his new rational. [6] Take another example. The first rational, in the beginning, knows no other love than that of self and the world; and although it hears that heavenly love is altogether of another character, it nevertheless does not comprehend it. But then, when the man does any good, he perceives no other delight from it than that he may seem to himself to merit the favor of another, or may hear himself called a Christian, or may obtain from it the joy of eternal life. The second rational, however, with which he is gifted by the Lord through regeneration, begins to feel some delight in good and truth itself, and to be affected by this, not for the sake of anything of his own, but for the sake of the good and truth; and when he is led by this delight, he disclaims merit, till at length he rejects it as an enormity. This delight grows with him step by step, and becomes blessed; and in the other life it becomes happiness, and is itself his heaven. Hence it is now evident how it is with each rational in the man who is being regenerated. [7] But be it known that although a man is being regenerated, still each and all things of the first rational remain with him, and are merely separated from the second rational, and this in a most wonderful manner by the Lord. But the Lord wholly banished His first rational, so that nothing of it remained; for what is merely human cannot be together with the Divine. Hence He was no longer the son of Mary, but was Jehovah as to each essence.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2657

2657. 'Cast out this servant-girl, and her son' means that what belonged to the merely human rational was to be banished. This is clear from the meaning of 'casting out' as banishing; from the meaning of 'servant-girl' as the affection for rational concepts and for factual knowledge, and so as the good belonging to these, dealt with in 2567; and from the meaning of 'son' as the truth belonging to that rational, dealt with in 264, 489, 533, 1147. But it is apparent good and apparent truth that go with this first or merely human rational. Consequently 'cast out this servant-girl, and her son' means that to be banished were the things belonging to the merely human rational. This particular circumstance - that the first rational was banished once the Divine Rational took its place - has been stated and shown in several places already, but as it is the specific subject here, a further brief explanation is necessary.

[2] With everyone who is being regenerated there are two rationale, the first existing before regeneration, the second after. The first, which exists before regeneration, is acquired by means of the experiences of the senses, by means of reflecting on the things that take place in public life and in private life, by means of formulated knowledge, and by means of reasonings based on and presented through these, as well as by means of cognitions of spiritual things obtained from the doctrine of faith, that is, from the Word. But none of these acquisitions rise at this time very much above the ideas present in the external or bodily memory, which are relatively speaking quite materialistic. Consequently whatever thought takes place in the rational at this time consists of such materialistic ideas, or else, so that what it thinks may be comprehended at the same time by inner or intellectual sight, the semblances of such things are presented in the form of comparisons or analogies. Of such a nature is the first rational, or the rational that exists before regeneration.

[3] But the rational after regeneration is formed by the Lord by means of affections for spiritual truth and good, which affections the Lord implants in a remarkable manner within the truths of the first rational, and in this way the things there that are in agreement and are favourably disposed towards them are given life. The rest however, having no use, are separated from these, until at length spiritual goods and truths are gathered so to speak into bundles, once those that do not agree and which cannot be given life are cast away so to speak to the circumference, this being effected gradually as spiritual goods and truths increase together with the life of the affections for them. From this it is evident what the second rational is like.

[4] These matters may be illustrated by comparing them to the fruit of trees. To begin with the first rational is like unripe fruit which ripens gradually until it produces seeds within itself. Then, having reached the point when it is ready to part from the tree, its state is complete, regarding which see above in 2636. The second rational however, which the Lord confers on those who are being regenerated, is like this same fruit now lying in good soil, where the flesh surrounding the seeds decays and these express themselves from the core, after which they send down a root and also a shoot up above the ground that grows into a new tree and spreads out, till finally it produces new fruits, and after that gardens and orchards, according to the affections for good and truth which it is receiving; see Matt 13: 31, 32; John 12:-24.

[5] But since examples help to make things clear, take the proprium which a person has before regeneration and the proprium which he has after regeneration. From the first rational which he acquires through the means mentioned above, a person believes that it is from what there is within himself, thus from his proprium, that he thinks what is true and does what it good. This first rational is incapable of thinking anything else even when the person is taught that every good of love, and every truth of faith, derives from the Lord. But when he is undergoing regeneration, which takes place in adult years, he then starts - from the second rational which is conferred by the Lord - to think that good and truth do not spring from that which is within himself, that is, from his proprium, but from the Lord, though he still does what is good or thinks what is true, as if it began from within himself, see 1937, 1947. At this time the more he becomes confirmed in this the more he is guided into the light of truth concerning those matters, until he finally believes that all good and all truth come from the Lord. At this time the proprium belonging to the first rational is gradually separated and the Lord confers on that person a heavenly proprium which becomes that of the new rational.

[6] Take a further example. To begin with the only love known to the first rational is that of self and the world, and although it hears about heavenly love being altogether different it still has no conception of it. In this case when the person then does anything good the only delight he sees in doing it is that he may seem to himself to merit another's favour, or that he may be considered to be a Christian, or that he may obtain the joy of eternal life out of doing it. The second rational however which the Lord confers through regeneration begins to feel some delight in goodness and truth themselves and to be stirred by this delight, not on account of anything that is his own but on account of goodness and truth themselves. When led by this delight he spurns the thought of merit, until at length he detests it as something monstrous. This delight as it exists with him gradually increases and becomes a blessed delight, and in the next life a blissful delight, being for him heaven itself From this it may now become clear how it is with each of the two rationale in one who is being regenerated.

[7] But it should be recognized that although a person is being regenerated, every single detail belonging to the first rational still remains with him. It is merely separated from the second rational, which the Lord effects in a miraculous fashion. The Lord however banished His own first rational completely, so that nothing of it remained, for what is merely human and what is Divine cannot exist together. Consequently He was no longer Mary's son but Jehovah as regards both Essences.

Latin(1748-1756) 2657

2657. Quod `ejice ancillam hanc et filium ejus' significet quod exterminarentur quae rationalis mere humani sunt, constat ex significatione `ejicere' quod sit exterminare, ex significatione `ancillae' quod sit affectio rationalium et scientificorum, ita bonum eorum, de qua n. 2567, et ex significatione `filii' quod sit verum istius rationalis, de qua n. 264, 489, 533, 1147; {1} sed est bonum et verum apparens, quae praedicantur de rationali hoc primo seu mere humani inde est quod `ejice ancillam hanc et filium ejus' significet quod exterminarentur quae rationalis mere humani sunt. Quomodo hoc habet, nempe quod primum rationale exterminatum sit, cum Divinum successit, prius passim dictum et ostensum est, sed quia hic in specie de illo agitur, paucis adhuc explicandum. [2] Sunt apud unumquemvis hominem qui regeneratur, bina rationalia, unum ante regenerationem alterum post regenerationem: primum, quod ante regeneratione comparatur per experientias sensuum, per reflexiones super illa quae in vita civili, et in vita morali, perque scientias, et per ratiocinia inde et per eas, tum per cognitiones spiritualium ex doctrina fidei seu Verbo; sed haec non amplius tunc vadunt quam paululum supra ideas memoriae corporeae, quae respective admodum materiales sunt; quicquid itaque tunc cogitat, est ex talibus, vel ut visu interiore intellectuali simul comprehendantur, sistuntur talium similia comparative vel analogice; ejuscemodi est rationale primum, seu quod ante regenerationem. [3] At rationale post regenerationem formatur a Domino per affectiones veri et boni spiritualis, quae affectio mirabiliter a Domino implantantur veris rationalis prioris, et vivificantur ibi (o)illa quae congrua sunt et favent; cetera autem, sicut nullius usus, separantur inde, usque tandem ut bona et vera spiritualia colligantur quasi in fasciculos, rejectis incongruis quae non vivificari possunt, quasi ad peripheriam, et hoc successive sicut bona et vera spiritualia cum vita eorum affectionum crescunt; inde patet quale [est] rationale alterum. [4] Haec quomodo se habent, illustrari potest per comparationem cum fructu arborum: primum rationale se habet in initio sicut fructus immaturus, qui successive maturescit usque dum semina intus in se ponit; qui cum illius aetatis est ut se separare incipiat ab arbore, tunc est status ejus plenus, de quo supra n. 2636; rationale autem alterum, quo donatur a Domino cum regeneratur, se habet sicut idem fructus in humo bona, in qua putrescunt illa quae sunt circumcirca semina, et haec se extrudunt ab intimis sui, et emittunt radicem, tum super terram surculum, qui crescit in novam arborem, et explicat se, usque demum in novos fructus, dein in hortos et {2} paradisos, secundum affectiones boni et veri quas recipit, videatur Matth. xiii 31, 32; Joh. xii 24. [5] Sed quia exempla magis convincunt, sit exemplo proprium quod homini ante regenerationem, et proprium quod ei post regenerationem; ex primo rationali quod sibi comparavit per media, de quibus supra, credit homo quod ex seipso, ita ex proprio, cogitet verum et faciat bonum; rationale hoc primum non aliter capere potest, etiamsi instructus sit quod omne bonum amoris, et omne verum fidei, sit a Domino: at cum regeneratur, quod fit in adulta ejus aetate, ex rationali altero quo donatur a Domino, incipit cogitare quod bonum et verum non sit a seipso seu a proprio, sed a Domino, at usque quod faciat bonum et cogitet verum sicut a seipso, videatur n. 1937, 1947; tunc quo plus in hoc confirmatur, eo plus in lucem veritatis de illis perducitur, usque demum ut credat quod omne bonum et omne verum sit a Domino; tunc proprium rationalis prioris successive separatur, et (o)homo proprio caelesti donatur a Domino, quod fit novi rationalis. [6] Sit adhuc exemplum; primum rationale principio non alium amorem novit quam sui et mundi, et tametsi audit quod amor caelestis prorsus alius sit, usque id non capit; dein autem cum aliquod bonum facit, non aliud jucundum inde percipit quam quod videatur sibi mereri gratiam alterius, vel quod audiat Christianus, vel quod obtineat inde vitae aeternae gaudium; alterum autem rationale quo donatur a Domino per regenerationem, incipit aliquod jucundum sentire in ipso bono et {2} vero, et jucundo hoc affici, non propter suum quid, sed propter bonum et verum, ex quo jucundo cum fertur, tu meritum rejicit, usque tandem ut respuat illud sicut enorme; hoc jucundum apud eum successive crescit, et fit beatum, et in altera vita fit felix, et ipsum ejus caelum. Inde nunc constare potest quomodo se habet cum utroque rationali apud hominem qui regeneratur. [7] Sed sciendum quod apud hominem, tametsi regeneratur, usque omnia et singula quae sunt rationalis primi {3}, remaneant, et modo a rationali altero separentur, et hoc miraculose a Domino: Dominus autem rationale primum prorsus exterminavit, ut {4} nihil ejus remanserit, mere enim humanum et Divinum non simul esse possunt; inde non {5} amplius filius Mariae erat, sed Jehovah quoad utramque Essentiam. @1 i sunt enim duo quae constituunt rationale nempe bonum et verum, bonum significatur per ancillam, verum per filium.$ @2 i in.$ @3 quae sunt rationalis prioris, omnia et singula.$ @4 i usque adeo.$ @5 nec.$

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