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属天的奥秘 第3120节


3120、“祂没有放弃怜悯”表示对爱之流注的一种感知。这从“怜悯”的含义清楚可知,“怜悯”是指爱(参看1735, 3063, 3073节)。“祂没有放弃怜悯”之所以表示对爱之流注的一种感知,是因为这些都是承认和称谢的话,一切承认和称谢都来自对流注的感知。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3120

3120. Who hath not forsaken His mercy. That this signifies a perception of the influx of love, is evident from the signification of "mercy," as being love (see n. 1735, 3063, 3073). That "who hath not forsaken His mercy" signifies a perception of the influx of love, is because these are words of acknowledgment and confession; and all acknowledgment and confession are from the perception of influx.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3120

3120. 'Who has not abandoned His mercy' means a perception of the influx of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'mercy' as love, dealt with in 1735, 3063, 3073. The reason 'has not abandoned His mercy' is a perception of the influx of love is that these are words expressing acknowledgement and confession, and all acknowledgement and confession are the result of a perception of influx.

Latin(1748-1756) 3120

3120. `Qui non dereliquit misericordiam Suam': quod significet perceptionem influxus amoris, constat a significatione `misericordiae' quod sit amor, de qua n. 1735, 3063, 3073; quod `non dereliquit misericordiam Suam' sit perceptio influxus amoris, inde est quia sunt verba agnitionis et confessionis, et omnis agnitio et confessio est ex perceptione influxus.

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