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属天的奥秘 第3121节


3121、“没有向我主人放弃真理”表示来自那流入之爱的仁爱的流注。这从“真理”的含义清楚可知,“真理”(中文圣经或译为信实、诚实等)是指仁爱。严格来说,“真理”与“信”所表相同;在希伯来语,信就是由类似的词来表达的;因此,在旧约圣言中被称为“真理”(中文圣经或译为信实、诚实等)的,在新约圣言中有时被称为“信”。这也是为何在前文(1577, 1809, 1824, 2173, 2435, 2619, 2975节),真理经常被称为信之真理,良善被称为爱之良善。然而,信在内义上正是指仁爱,这从前面多处的阐述和说明可以看出来,如:信若不通过爱就不存在(30-38节);信不可能存在于没有仁的地方(654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2261节);信是仁之信(1608, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 2417节);构成教会的,是仁,而不是与仁分离之信(809, 916, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844, 2190, 2228, 2442节)。由此明显可知,真理或信在内义上和仁是一样的。事实上,一切信都来自仁;凡不来自仁的信信都不是信。或也可说,一切真理在内义上都是良善,因为一切真理都来自良善,凡不来自良善的真理都不是真理;事实上,真理无非是良善的形式(3049节);它的出生不是来自其它源头,它的生命也不是来自其它源头,都只来自良善。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3121

3121. And His truth from my lord. That this signifies an influx of charity therefrom, is evident from the signification of "truth," as being charity. "Truth" in its proper sense signifies the same as "faith," and in the Hebrew language faith is expressed by a like word; so that what is called "truth" in the Word of the Old Testament is in various places called "faith" in the Word of the New Testament; and for this reason also it has been so often said in the foregoing pages that truth is of faith and good is of love. And yet that in the internal sense faith is nothing else than charity, may be seen from what has been said and shown above in many places-as that there is no faith except by love (n. 30-38): That no faith is possible except where there is charity (n. 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2261): That faith is the faith of charity (n. 1608, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 2419): That charity makes the church, not faith separate from charity (n. 809, 916, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844, 2190, 2228, 2442). From all this it is evident that in the internal sense truth or faith is the same as charity; for all faith is from charity; the faith which is not from charity not being faith; or what is the same, in the internal sense all truth is good; for all truth is from good, and the truth which is not from good is not truth, truth being nothing else than the form of good (n. 3049); its birth is from no other source, and its life is from no other.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3121

3121. 'And His truth towards my master' means an influx of charity from that inflowing love. This is clear from the meaning of 'truth' as charity. In the proper sense 'truth' means the same as faith, and in the Hebrew language faith is expressed by such a term, so that what is called truth in the Old Testament Word is regularly called faith in the New Testament Word. This is also why, in what has gone before, truth has often been called the truth of faith, and good the good of love. But in the internal sense faith is nothing else than charity - see what has often been stated and shown already, such as the following:

No faith exists except through love, 30-38. Faith does not exist except where charity does so, 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2261. Faith is faith grounded in charity, 1608, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 2417. Charity constitutes the Church, not faith separated from charity, 809, 916, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844, 2190, 2228, 2442.

From these paragraphs it is evident that in the internal sense truth or faith is the same as charity. Indeed all faith springs from charity, and faith that does not spring from it is not faith. Or what amounts to the same, all truth in the internal sense is good, since all truth is grounded in good, and truth that is not grounded in it is not truth. For truth is nothing else than the form that good takes, 3049; it is born from, and receives its life from nothing other than good.

Latin(1748-1756) 3121

3121. `Et veritatem Suam a cum domino meo': quod significet influxum charitatis inde, constat ex significatione veritatis quod sit charitas; `veritas' in proprio sensu significat idem quod fides, etiam in lingua Hebraea fides per talem vocem exprimitur, sic ut quod dicitur `veritas' in Verbo Veteris Testamenti, passim dicatur `fides' in Verbo Novi Testamenti; quare etiam toties in praecedentibus dictum quod verum sit fidei, et bonum sit amoris; at quod fides in sensu interno nihil aliud sit quam charitas, videantur quae saepius prius dicta et ostensa sunt; ut quod nulla fides nisi per amorem, n. 30, 31-38; quod fides nusquam detur nisi ubi charitas, n. 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2261; quod fides sit fides charitatis, n. 1608, 2049, 2116, (x)2343, 2349, (x)2417; quod charitas faciat Ecclesiam, non fides separata a charitate, n. 809, 916, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844, 2190, 2228, 2442; inde patet quod veritas seu fides in sensu interno sit idem ac charitas; est enim omnis fides ex charitate; quae fides non inde, non est fides, seu quod idem, quod omne verum in sensu interno sit bonum, est enim omne verum ex bono; id verum quod non inde non est verum, verum enim {1}non aliud est quam forma boni, n. 3049, non aliunde est nativitas ejus, nec aliunde est vita ejus. @1 nihil$

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