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属天的奥秘 第4077节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4077

4077. And your father hath deceived me, and hath changed my reward ten ways. That this signifies the state of good toward Himself, when of Himself He applied the things of that good, and its very great change, is evident from the signification of "father," here Laban, as being mediate good (concerning which above); from the signification of reward," as being from Himself (see n. 3996, 3999); and from the signification of "ten ways," as being a very great change. "Ten" denotes very great (n. 1988); and "ways," changes. The very state of that good, when the Lord of Himself applied the things which were of that good, is referred to and implied as being changed. If now instead of the good signified by "Laban," such a society of spirits and angels as are in such good is thought of, it is manifest how the case stands. The societies do not easily recede from him with whom they have been; but when he with whom they are recedes, they are indignant, and behave themselves in like manner as did Laban here toward Jacob; nay, if they perceive that any good has come to the man through their means, they say that it came to him from them; for in their indignation they speak from evil. [2] The case is similar with every man who is being regenerated, namely, that societies are applied to him by the Lord which serve for introducing genuine goods and truths, not from themselves, but by their means; and when he who is being regenerated is transferred to other societies, those who had previously been with him are indignant. But these things do not appear to the man, because he does not believe that he is in the company of spirits and angels; but they appear manifestly to the angels, and to those also to whom of the Lord's Divine mercy it is granted to speak with them, and to be among them as one of them. By this means it has been given me to know that such is the case. [3] The spirits lament greatly that man does not know this, nor even that they are with him; and still more that many deny not only their presence, but also that there is a hell and a heaven. This however they ascribe to man's stupidity; the fact being that man has not the least of thought, nor the least of will, which does not come from the Lord by influx through spirits; and it is by them as means that the Lord governs the human race, and each person in particular.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4077

4077. 'And your father has deceived me, and has changed my wages in ten ways' means the state of good in relation to Himself when, acting of Himself, He applied to Himself the things which constituted that good, and also a very great change in that good. This is clear from the meaning of 'father', who in this case is Laban, as intermediate good, dealt with already; from the meaning of 'wages' as His acting of Himself, dealt with in 3996, 3999; and from the meaning of 'ten ways' as a very great change - 'ten' meaning very great, 1988, and 'ways' changes. All this implies a change in the actual state of that good when, acting of Himself, the Lord applied to Himself the things constituting that good. Now if instead of the good meant by 'Laban' a community of spirits or angels is thought of such as are governed by that kind of good, what is involved is then made plain. Communities do not readily depart from someone with whom they have been present; but when a person with whom they are present departs they become annoyed, and they react in a way similar to Laban's behaviour here towards Jacob. Indeed even if they do perceive that some good has come to that person through them they say that it has done so from them; for when they are annoyed evil governs what they say.

[2] A similar situation exists with a person who is being regenerated. That is to say, the Lord applies communities to that person which serve to introduce genuine goods and truths, not from those communities but through them. And when the one who is being regenerated is transferred to other communities those which have been present hitherto are annoyed. But such communities are not visible to him because he does not believe that he is within any community of spirits or angels. They are however clearly visible to angels, and also to those who in the Lord's Divine mercy are allowed to talk to them and go among them as one of them. This is how I have been given to know about such things.

[3] Spirits deplore very much the fact that man does not know about such things too, not even that they are present with him, and more still the fact that many deny not only their presence but also the very existence of hell and of heaven. This ignorance however they attribute to human stupidity, for man does not in actual fact possess the smallest amount of thought or the smallest amount of will except by means of influx through those spirits themselves from the Lord. And it is through them as a means that the Lord governs the human race, and in particular every member of it.

Latin(1748-1756) 4077

4077. `Et pater vester fefellit me, et mutavit mercedem meam decem modis': quod significet statum boni ad Se cum ex Se Ipso applicaret illa quae boni istius et plurimam mutationem {1}, constat ex significatione `patris,' hic Labanis, quod sit bonum medium, de qua prius; ex significatione `mercedis' quod sit ex Se Ipso, de qua n. 3996 3999; et ex significatione `decem modis' quod sit plurima mutatio `decem' sunt plurimum, n. 1988, et `modi' sunt mutationes; ipse status illius boni cum Dominus ex Se Ipso applicaret illa quae boni istius quod mutatus, involvitur: si nunc pro bono quod per `Labanem' significatur, concipiatur talis societas spirituum et angelorum qui in tali bono, patet quomodo se res habet; societates non facile recedunt ab illo apud quem fuerunt, sed cum is apud quem sunt, recedit, tunc indignantur, ac se gerunt similiter ac hic Laban adversus Jacobum, immo etiam si percipiunt quod aliquid bonum ei accesserit per illos, dicunt quod accesserit {2} ex illis; in indignatione enim ex malo {3} loquuntur. [2] Similiter se habet apud unumquemvis hominem qui regeneratur, quod nempe a Domino ei applicentur societates quae inserviunt {4} introducendis bonis et veris genuinis, non ex illis sed per illas; et cum is qui regeneratur, in alias societates transfertur, tunc indignantur illae quae prius ibi fuerunt; sed haec non apparent homini, quia non credit quod in societate spirituum et angelorum sit; at {5} apparent manifeste angelis; et quoque illis quibus, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, cum illis loqui datur et interesse illis sicut unus illorum; {6}exinde mihi datum est scire quod ita se res habeat. Conqueruntur valde spiritus quod homo hoc non sciat, ne quidem quod sint apud hominem, et magis adhuc quod multi negent non modo praesentiam (c)illorum, sed etiam quod infernum et {7} caelum sit; sed hoc stupiditati hominis adscribunt; cum tamen homo non minimum cogitationis nec minimum voluntatis habeat quam per influxum per illos a Domino; et quod illi sint per quos Dominus mediate regit genus humanum, et in particulari unumquemvis. @1 i ejus, as 4072$ @2 i bonum$ @3 i ita$ @4 inserviant$ @5 sed$ @6 i quoque$ @7 i quod$

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