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属天的奥秘 第4503节


  该奥秘乃是这样:由 “西缅和利未”所代表的教会真理和良善被灭绝,虚假和邪恶取而代之后,那些由雅各其余的儿子在反面意义上所表示的虚假和邪恶就被添加了上去。雅各的每一个儿子都代表了信与仁的某个总体方面,如前所示(212938583913392639394060);至于每个儿子代表哪一方面,可参看以下章节:流便,3861,3866,3870节;犹大,3881节;但,3921-3923节;拿弗他利,3927,3928节;迦得,3934,3935节;亚设,3938,3939节;以萨迦,3956,3957节;西布伦,3960,3961节。一旦教会的真理和良善被灭绝,他们所代表的信和仁的这些总体方面就会变成那种虚假和邪恶,然后这些进一步的虚假和邪恶就被添加给他们;因为一旦教会被败坏和灭绝,虚假和邪恶就会在教会中不断增长。西缅和利未杀了城中所有男丁,以及哈抹和示剑,把底拿带出来走了以后,雅各的儿子们又来到被杀的人那里,掳掠那城,就表示这些添加的虚假和邪恶。

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Potts(1905-1910) 4503

4503. The sons of Jacob came upon those who were pierced, and plundered the city. That this signifies that all that posterity destroyed the doctrine, is evident from the signification of the "sons of Jacob," as being the posterity from Jacob (of which above); from the signification of "to plunder" as being to destroy; and from the signification of a "city," as being the doctrine of the church (see above, n. 4500). That after Simeon and Levi had slain every male in the city, and also Hamor and Shechem, they went forth, and that the sons of Jacob then came upon those who were pierced and plundered the city, is a mystery not manifest except from the internal sense. [2] This mystery is that after the truth and good of the church represented by Simeon and Levi had been extinguished, and falsity and evil had taken their place, there were then superadded those falsities and evils which are signified in the opposite sense by the rest of the sons of Jacob. (That each son of Jacob represented some general principle of faith and charity was shown above, n. 2129, 3858, 3913, 3926, 3939, 4060; what was represented by Reuben, n. 3861, 3866, 3870; what by Judah, n. 3881; what by Dan, n. 3921-3923; what by Naphtali, n. 3927, 3928; what by Gad, n. 3934, 3935; what by Asher, n. 3938, 3939; what by Issachar, n. 3956, 3957; and what by Zebulun, n. 3960, 3961.) These generals of faith and charity represented by them become falsities and evils of that kind when once the truth and good of the church have been extinguished, and then these falsities and evils are superadded; for falsities and evils continually grow in the church that has once been perverted and extinguished, and it is these which are signified by the sons of Jacob coming upon those who were pierced and plundering the city, after Simeon and Levi had slain every male in the city, and Hamor and Shechem also, and had taken away Dinah, and had gone forth. [3] That by "those who are pierced" are signified in the Word truths and goods extinguished is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Thou art cast forth out of thy sepulchre like an abominable shoot, the raiment of the slain that are pierced with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass trodden under foot (Isa. 14:19);

said of Babylon; "those pierced with the sword" denote those who have profaned the truths of the church. Again:

So that their pierced shall be cast forth, and the stink of their carcasses shall come up (Isa. 34:3);

treating of the falsities and evils that infest the church, which are meant by the "pierced." [4] In Ezekiel:

The violent of the nations shall draw their sword against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall profane thy comeliness; they shall let thee down into the pit, and thou shall die the deaths of those who are pierced in the midst of the seas (Ezek. 28:7-8);

said of the prince of Tyre, by whom are signified the primary things of the knowledges of truth and good; "dying the deaths of those who are pierced in the midst of the seas," denotes those who hatch falsities by means of memory-knowledges, and thereby defile the truths of the church. [5] Again:

These also shall go down with them into hell, unto those who are pierced with the sword; when thou shalt be made to go down with the trees of Eden into the earth of lower things, thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with them that are pierced with the sword (Ezek. 31:17-18). Again:

Go down and lie with the uncircumcised; they shall fall in the midst of those who are pierced with the sword; the chief of the mighty ones shall speak to him in the midst of hell (Ezek. 32:19-21);

said of Pharaoh and Egypt; "those pierced with the sword" denote those who become insane through knowledges, by which they extinguish in themselves the faith of the truth of the church. [6] In David:

I am accounted among those who go down into the pit; I have become as a man that has no strength, neglected among the dead, like the pierced that lie in the grave, whom Thou hast remembered no more, and who have been cut off by Thy hand (Ps. 88:4-5);

"those who are pierced in hell," "in the pit," and "in the grave," denote those who have destroyed truths and goods in themselves by falsities and evils. It is obvious that they are not in hell merely because they had been pierced with the sword. [7] In Isaiah:

A city of tumults, a city that exulteth, they are not pierced with the sword, and are not slain in war; all who have been found in thee were bound together, they fled from afar (Isa. 22:2-3);

said of fallacies from sensuous things through which the truths of the church cannot be seen, and concerning which they are therefore in negative doubt, and are said to be "pierced, but not with the sword." [8] In Ezekiel:

I bring a sword upon thee, and I destroy your high places, and your altars shall be destroyed, and your statues shall be broken, and I will cause your pierced ones to lie before your idols; when the pierced ones shall fall in the midst of you, you shall know that I am Jehovah; then ye shall acknowledge, when the pierced ones shall be in the midst of their idols, round about their altar (Ezek. 6:3-4, 7, 13);

where the "pierced ones" denote those who are in falsities of doctrine. [9] Again:

Defile the house, and fill the courts with the pierced ones; they went forth and smote in the city (Ezek. 9:7);

a prophetic vision; "to defile the house and fill the courts with the pierced ones," denotes to profane goods and truths. Again:

Ye have multiplied your pierced ones in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the pierced one; wherefore said the Lord Jehovih, Your pierced ones whom ye have put in the midst of it, they are the flesh, and that is the pot, and He shall bring you forth out of the midst of it (Ezek. 11:6-7). [10] As by "the pierced" are signified those who have extinguished the truths of the church in themselves by falsities and evils, therefore also in the representative church they who touched one who was pierced were unclean, of whom we read in Moses:

Whosoever has touched upon the surface of the field one that is pierced with a sword, or the dead, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days (Num. 19:16, 18). And therefore inquiry was made, and expiation was made by means of a calf, as again in Moses:

If one pierced be found lying in the field, and it be not known who has smitten him, then the elders of the city and the judges shall come forth, and they shall measure toward the cities which are round about him that is pierced; and it shall be, at the city which is nearest unto him that is pierced the elders of that city shall take a she-calf of an ox, by which labor hath not been done, and which hath not drawn in the yoke, and they shall bring her down unto a river or a valley, and shall behead the calf there, and wash their hands over the beheaded calf, and shall say, Our hands have not shed blood, and our eyes have not seen it; expiate Thy people Israel, O Jehovah, and give not innocent blood in the midst of Thy people; and the blood shall be expiated for them (Deut. 21:1-8). [11] That these laws were given because by the "pierced" is signified the perversion, destruction, and profanation of the truth of the church by falsity and evil, is manifest from every particular in the internal sense. It is said "a pierced one lying in the field," because by a "field" is signified the church (see n. 2971, 3310, 3766). A "she-calf" by which labor has not been done signifies that innocence of the external man which is in ignorance. Unless these things were made known by the internal sense, the enjoining of such an expiatory process would excite universal surprise.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4503

4503. 'The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and plundered the city' means that all his descendants destroyed that doctrine. This is clear from the meaning of 'the sons of Jacob' as descendants from Jacob, dealt with above; from the meaning of 'plundering' as destroying; and from the meaning of 'the city' as the doctrine of the Church, dealt with above in 4500. Simeon and Levi's going away after they had killed every male in the city as well as Hamor and Shechem, and then Jacob's sons' coming upon the slain and plundering the city, involves an arcanum, the meaning of which is not evident except from the internal sense.

[2] That arcanum is this: After the truth and good of the Church which are represented by 'Simeon and Levi' were wiped out and falsity and evil took their place, further falsities and evils were added, which are meant in the contrary sense by the rest of Jacob's sons. Each son of Jacob represented some general aspect of faith and charity, as has been shown in 2129, 3858, 3913, 3926, 3939, 4060. Which aspect is represented by each, see the following: Reuben, 3861, 3866, 3870; Judah, 3881; Dan, 3921-3923; Naphtali, 3927, 3928; Gad, 3934, 3935; Asher, 3938, 3939; Issachar, 3956, 3957; Zebulun, 3960, 3961. These general aspects of faith and charity which those sons represented become falsities and evils of that kind once the truth and good of the Church have been wiped out and those further falsities and evils have been added to them; for falsities and evils are constantly on the increase within the Church once it has been perverted and wiped out. It is these added falsities and evils that are meant by the reference to Jacob's sons coming upon the slain and plundering the city after Simeon and Levi had killed every male in the city as well as Hamor and Shechem, and had taken Dinah and gone away.

[3] That 'the slain' in the Word means truths and goods which have been wiped out may be seen from the following places: In Isaiah,

You are cast out from your sepulchre like an abominable branch, a garment of the killed - slain with the sword - who go down to the stones of the pit like a dead body trodden underfoot. Isa 14:19.

This refers to Babel. 'Those slain with the sword' stands for those who have profaned the truths of the Church. In the same prophet,

So that their slain are cast out and the stench of their dead bodies rises up. Isa 34:3.

This refers to the falsities and evils which infest the Church, 'the slain' standing for these.

[4] In Ezekiel,

The violent of the nations will draw the sword against the beauty of your wisdom, and they will profane your loveliness. They will bring you down into the pit and you will die the deaths of those slain in the midst of the seas. Ezek 28:7, 8.

This refers to the prince of Tyre who means the leading cognitions of truth and good. 'Dying the deaths of those slain in the midst of the seas' stands for those who use facts to hatch falsities and in consequence defile the truths of the Church.

[5] In the same prophet,

They also will go down with them into hell, to those slain with the sword. You will be made to go down with the trees of Eden into the nether world, in the midst of the uncircumcised you will lie with those slain with the sword. Ezek 31:17, 18.

In the same prophet,

Go down and lie with the uncircumcised; they will fall in the midst of those slain with the sword; the chief of the powerful ones will speak to him in the midst of hell. Ezek 32:19-21.

This refers to Pharaoh and Egypt. 'Those slain with the sword' stands for those who by their use of knowledge become insane; by their use of it they destroy all belief in the truth known to the Church.

[6] In David,

I have been reckoned with them going down to the pit; I have become as a man with no strength, neglected among the dead, like the slain lying in the sepulchre whom you remember no more and who have been cut off by your hand.

'The slain' in hell - those in the pit and 'in the sepulchre' - stands for those who have destroyed the truths and goods residing with them by means of falsities and evils. Anyone can recognize that these are not in hell merely because they have been slain with the sword.

[7] In Isaiah,

A city of tumults, an exultant city, [your slain] have not been slain with the sword, and they have not been killed in war. All who have been found in you have been bound together in chains. They have fled from far away. Isa 22:2, 3.

This refers to the illusions resulting from the evidence of the senses which do not enable the truths of the Church to be seen. It refers therefore to people subject to negative doubt, and these are called 'slain but not with the sword'.

[8] In Ezekiel,

I am bringing a sword upon you and destroying your high places; and your altars will be destroyed, and your statues will be broken; and I will cause your slain to lie before your idols. When the slain have fallen in the midst of you, you will know that I am Jehovah. Then you will acknowledge, when the slain are in the midst of their idols, around their altar. Ezek 6:3, 4, 7, 13.

'The slain' stands for those who are governed by falsities of doctrine.

[9] In the same prophet,

Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain. They went forth and smote in the city. Ezek 9:7.

This is a prophetic vision. 'Defiling the house and filling the courts with the slain' stands for profaning goods and truths. In the same prophet,

You have multiplied your slain in this city, and have filled its streets with the slain. Therefore said the Lord Jehovih, Your slain whom you have placed in the midst of it, they are the flesh, and that is the pot; and he will lead you out from the midst of it. Ezek 11:6, 7.

[10] Because 'the slain' meant those who have annihilated the truths of the Church by means of falsities and evils, therefore also in the representative Church those who touched one who had been slain were unclean. Such persons are referred to in Moses as follows,

Everyone who has touched on the surface of the field one slain with the sword, or one dead, or a human bone, or a sepulchre will be unclean for seven days. Num 19:16, 18.

Inquiry was therefore made and atonement effected by means of a heifer. In the same author,

If one is found slain, lying in the field, and it is not known who smote him, then the elders of the city and the judges shall come out and they shall measure [the distance] to the cities which are around the one slain. It shall be, that in the city nearest to the one slain the elders of that city shall take a heifer by means of which no work has been done, which has not pulled in the yoke, and they shall bring it down to the river or valley, and there they shall break the heifer's neck. And they shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck has been broken and shall say, Our hands have not shed blood, and our eyes have not seen it. Expiate Your people Israel, O Jehovah, and do not set innocent blood in the midst of Your people; and the blood shall be expiated for them. Deut 21:1-8.

[11] These laws were laid down because one who has been slain means the perversion, destruction, and profanation of the truth of the Church by means of falsity and evil, as is evident from each detail in the internal sense. The expression 'one slain, lying in the field' is used because 'the field' means the Church, see 2971, 3310, 3766. 'A heifer by means of which no work has been done' means the innocence of the external man which is present within ignorance. Without a clear knowledge of these things meant in the internal sense everyone will be surprised that a procedure such as this for making expiation should ever have been ordained.

Latin(1748-1756) 4503

4503. `Filii Jacobi venerunt super confossos et depraedati urbem': quod significet quod omnis illa posteritas doctrinam destruxerint, constat ex significatione `filiorum Jacobi' quod sin posteritas ex Jacobo, de qua supra; ex significatione `depraedari' quod sit destruere; et ex significatione `urbis' quod sit doctrina quae Ecclesiae, de qua supra n. 4500. Quod Shimeon et Levi postquam occiderant omnem masculum in urbe atque Hamorem et Shechemum exiverint, et quod dein `filii Jacobi venerint super confossos e depraedati urbem,' est arcanum quod non patet nisi ex sensu interno; [2] arcanum hoc est quod postquam verum et bonum Ecclesiae quae per `Shimeonem et Levi' repraesentantur, exstincta sunt, et loco illorum fuit {1} falsum et malum, dein superaddita sint falsa et mala, quae in opposito sensu per reliquos filios Jacobi significantur; quod per unumquemque filium Jacobi aliquod commune fidei et charitatis repraesentatum sit, n. 2129, 3858, 3913, 3926, 3939, 4060 ostensum est; quid per Reubenem, videatur n. 3861, 3866, 3870; quid per Jehudam, n. 3881; quid per Dan, n. 3921-3923; quid per Naphtali n. 3927, 3928; quid per Gad, n. (x)3934, 3935; quid per Asher, n. 3938, 3939; quid per Jisaschar, n. 3956, 3957; quid per Zebulun, n. 3960, 3961; communia haec fidei et charitatis quae per illos repraesentata sunt, illius generis falsa et mala fiunt quando semel Ecclesiae verum et bonum exstincta sunt, et tunc illa superadduntur; nam falsa et mala continue in Ecclesia semel perversa et exstincta succrescunt; haec significantur per quod `filii Jacobi venerint super confossos et depraedati urbem,' postquam Shimeon et Levi occiderant omnem masculum in urbe atque Hamorem et Shechemum, sustulerantque Dinam, e exiverant. [3] Quod per `confossos' in Verbo significentur vera et bona exstincta, constare potest ab his locis: apud Esaiam, Tu projectus es e sepulcro tuo, sicut surculus abominabilis vestimentum occisorum, confossi gladio, descendentes ad lapides foveae, sicut cadaver conculcatum, xiv 19;

ubi de Babele; `confossi gladio' pro illis qui profanarunt vera Ecclesiae apud eundem, Ita {2} ut confossi eorum projiciantur, et cadaverum eorum ascendat putor, xxxiv 3;

ubi de falsis et malis quae infestant Ecclesiam; `confossi' pro illis: [4] apud Ezechielem, Violenti gentium evaginabunt gladium super pulchritudinem sapientiae tuae, et profanabunt decorem tuum;

in foveam demittent te, et morieris mortibus confossorum in medio marium, (x)xxviii 7, 8;

ubi de principe Tyri per quem primaria cognitionum veri et boni significantur; `mori mortibus confossorum in medio marium' pro illis qui per scientifica excludunt falsa, et inde Ecclesiae vera conspurcant: [5] apud eundem, Etiam hi cum illis descendent in infernum ad confossos gladio;... cum descendere factus fueris cum arboribus Edenis in terram inferiorem {3}, in medio praeputiatorum cubueris cum confossis gladio, xxxi 17, 18:

apud eundem, Descende et cuba cum praeputiatis, in medio confossorum gladio cadent;... alloquentur eum praecipui potentium in medio inferni, xxxii 19-21;

ibi de Pharaone et Aegypto; `confossi gladio' pro illis qui per scientias insaniunt, fidem veri, quod est Ecclesiae, per illas apud se exstinguendo:

[6] apud Davidem, Reputatus sum cum descendentibus foveam, factus sum sicut vir non robur, inter mortuos neglectus, sicut confossi cubantes in sepulcro {4}, quorum non meministi amplius, et qui a manu tua excisi sunt, Ps. lxxxviii 5, 6 [A.V. 4, 5];

`confossi in inferno, in fovea et in sepulcro' pro illis qui vera et bona destruxerunt apud se per falsa et mala {5}; quod in inferno non sint quia confossi gladio, quisque scire potest: [7] apud Esaiam, Urbs tumultuum, urbs exsultans,... {6} non confossi gladio, et non occisi bello,... omnes qui (t)inventi sunt in te vincti una, e longinquo fugerunt, xxii 2, 3;

ibi de fallaciis ex sensualibus per quas vera Ecclesiae non videri possunt, (o)de quibus ideo in dubio negativo sunt; illi dicuntur `confossi sed non gladio': [8] apud Ezechielem, Ego adducens super te gladium, et perdens excelsa vestra, et destruentur altaria vestra, et frangentur statuae vestrae, et faciam cubare confossos vestros coram idolis vestris;... cum ceciderint confossi in medio vestri, cognoscetis quod Ego Jehovah:... tunc agnoscetis,... cum fuerint confossi in medio idolorum eorum, circum altare eorum, vi [3], 4, 7, 13;

`confossi' pro illis qui in falsis doctrinae sunt: [9] apud eundem, Polluite domum, et implere atria confossis:... exiverunt et percusserunt in urbe, ix 7;

visio prophetica; `polluere domum et implere atria confossis' pro profanare bona et vera: apud eundem, Multiplicastis confossos vestros in urbe hac, et implevistis plateas ejus confosso, quapropter dixit Dominus Jehovih, Confossi vestri, quod posuistis in medio ejus, hi caro, et illa olla, et vos educet e medio ejus, xi 6, 7. [10] Quia per `confossos' significabantur illi {7} qui apud se exstinxerunt {8} vera Ecclesiae per falsa et mala, ideo quoque in Ecclesia repraesentativa illi qui tetigerunt confossum, immundi erant, de quibus (o)ita apud Mosen, Omnis qui tetigerit super superficie agri confossum gladio, aut mortuum, aut os hominis, aut sepulcrum, immundus erit septem dies, Num. xix 16, 18;

et ideo inquisitio et expiatio per vitulam: apud eundem, Si invenitur confossus jacens in agro,... nec scitur qui percusserit eum, tunc exibunt seniores urbis et judices, e metientur versus urbes quae circa confossum; fiet, ad urbem proximam confosso sument seniores urbis illius vitulam bovis per quam labor non factus, quae non traxit in jugo, et deducent... ad fluvium seu vallem,... et decollabunt ibi vitulam,... e lavabunt manus suas super vitula decollata,... et dicent, Manus nostrae non fuderunt sanguinem, et oculi nostri non viderunt expia populo Tuo, Israeli,... (o)Jehovah, nec da sanguinem innocentem in medio populi Tui;

et expiabitur illis sanguis, Deut. xxi 1-8;

[11] quod (t)illae leges latae sint, quia per `confossum' significatur perversio, destructio et profanatio veri Ecclesiae per falsum et malum, patet ex singulis in sensu interno; `confossus jacens in agro' dicitur quia per `agrum' significatur Ecclesia, videatur n. 2971, 3310, 3766, per `vitulam per quam labor non factus' significatur innocentia externi hominis quae est in ignorantia; si ex sensu interno illa non innotescerent, quisque miraturus esset quod processus expiatorius talis mandatus fuisset. @1 facta sunt$ @2 Da AI$ @3 inferiorum AI, but see n. 130$ @4 A has inferno written above sepulchro but neither deleted.$ @5 confossi cubantes in inferno pro illis ibi qui in falsis ex malis sunt @6 Heb = confossi tui non confossi gladio$$ @7 confossi significabant illos$ @8 destruxerunt$

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