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属天的奥秘 第4614节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4614

4614. This is Hebron. That this signifies the state when they were conjoined, is evident from the signification of "Hebron," as being the good of the church (see n. 2909), here the Divine good of the Lord's Divine natural; for those things which in the internal sense signify something of the church, in the supreme sense signify something of the Lord's Divine, for the reason that all that which makes the church is from the Lord. That "Hebron" signifies the state when they were conjoined (namely, the rational and the natural), is because Isaac was there, by whom is represented the Lord's Divine rational; and Jacob came thither, by whom is represented His Divine natural, and by his coming thither is signified conjunction (n. 4612). It is said, "Mamre Kiriath-arba, this is Hebron," because the Divine natural is conjoined with the good of the rational by means of good, for Isaac represents the Lord's Divine rational as to good (n. 3012, 3194, 3210), whereas Rebekah represents it as to truth (see n. 3012, 3013, 3077), and Rebekah is not here mentioned.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4614

4614. 'Which is Hebron' means the state when they were joined together. This is clear from the meaning of 'Hebron' as the good of the Church, dealt with in 2909, at this point the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Natural; for things which in the internal sense mean some aspect of the Church mean, in the highest sense, some aspect of the Lord's Divine, the reason being that everything constituting the Church originates in the Lord. The reason 'Hebron' means the state when they - the rational and the natural - were joined together is that it is the place where Isaac was, who represents the Lord's Divine Rational, also the place to which 'Jacob' came, who represents His Divine Natural and whose coming there means the joining together of the two, 4612. The names 'Mamre, Kiriath Arba, which is Hebron' are used because the Divine Natural was joined through its Good to the Good of the Rational, 'Isaac' representing the Lord's Divine Rational as regards good, 3012, 3194, 3210. 'Rebekah' however represents the same as regards truth, 3012, 3013, 3077, but no mention is made of Rebekah at this point.

Latin(1748-1756) 4614

4614. `Haec Hebron': quod significet statum cum conjuncta, constat ex significatione Hebronis quod sit bonum Ecclesiae, de qua n. 2909, hic Divinum Bonum Divini Naturalis Domini, nam quae in interno sensu significant aliquid Ecclesiae, illa in sensu supremo significant aliquid Divini Domini, ex causa quia omne id quod facit Ecclesiam, est a Domino. Quod `Hebron' significet statum cum conjuncta, nempe rationale et naturale, est quia `Jishakus' ibi fuit, per quem repraesentatur Divinum Rationale Domini, et `Jacob' illuc venit, per quem repraesentatur Divinum Naturale Ipsius, et per adventum ejus illuc significatur conjunctio, n. 4612. `Mamre Kiriath Arba, haec Hebron' dicitur quia Divinum Naturale per Bonum conjungitur Bono Rationalis, `Jishakus' enim repraesentat Divinum Rationale Domini quoad bonum, n. 3012, 3194, 3210; `Rebecca' autem quoad verum, n. 3012, 3013, 3077, et `Rebecca' hic non memoratur.

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