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属天的奥秘 第5464节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5464

5464. And your words shall be verified. That this signifies that then it will be with truths as had been declared, is evident without explication. What they had declared about themselves, and consequently about the truths of the church which they represented, may be seen above (n. 5434-5444). The case herein is that they who are in the truths of the church merely for the sake of their own advantage, can, equally with others, declare how the case is with truths, as for example that truths are not appropriated to anyone unless they are conjoined with the interior man, nay, that they cannot be conjoined therewith except by means of good, and that until this is done truths have no life. These and like things they sometimes see equally as well as others, and sometimes apparently more clearly than others; but this is only when they are talking about them. But when they are speaking to themselves, thus to their interior man (that is, when they are thinking), then they who are in the truths of the church merely for the sake of their own advantage see the contrary; and though they see the contrary and at heart deny truths, they can nevertheless persuade others that the case is so, and even that they themselves are in this way in truths. The cupidity of gain, honor, and reputation for their own sake, imbibes all means of persuading, and none more readily than such things as in themselves are true; for these have within them a hidden power of attracting minds. Every man whatever, unless densely stupid, is endowed with the capacity to understand whether things are true, to the end that by means of the intellectual part he may be reformed and regenerated. But when he has wandered into perverse ways, and has completely rejected the things of the faith of the church, he then indeed has the same faculty of understanding truths, but no longer desires to understand them, being averse to them as soon as he hears them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5464

5464. 'And your words will be verified' means that in this case those truths will be exactly as they have been declared to be. This becomes clear without explanation. For what the brothers, and consequently what the truths known to the Church represented by those brothers, declared themselves to be, see above in 5434-5456. The implications of all this are as follows: People who are interested in the truths known to the Church solely for the sake of material gain can declare, just as well as others do, what the situation is with regard to truths. They can just as well declare, for example, that truths do not become a person's own unless they have been joined to the interior man, and indeed that they cannot be so joined except by means of good, and also that truths do not possess any life until this is done. At times they see these matters and others like them just as well as anyone else does, and sometimes their discernment of them seems even better. Yet this is so only when they talk to other people about such matters. When they talk to themselves about them, thus to their interior man - when, that is, they think about those matters - those who are interested in the truths known to the Church merely for the sake of their own gain contemplate ideas contrary to those truths. But even though they contemplate such contrary ideas and refuse in their hearts to accept those truths, they are still able to convince others that a thing is true, and indeed to do so in the same way as those who really are interested in truths.

[2] The desire to earn material gain, position, and reputation for their own sakes adopts every means that can be employed to convince another; it adopts nothing more readily than such things as are essentially true since these have the power hidden within them to attract people's minds. Everyone - no matter who, provided that he is not mentally deficient - is endowed with such an ability, that is to say, the ability to understand whether things are true. He has been endowed with it to enable him to be reformed and regenerated through the understanding part of his mind. But although, once he has departed into wicked ways and has cast aside altogether what constitutes the faith of the Church, he still possesses the same ability to understand truths, he no longer has any wish to understand them and loathes them the moment he hears them.

Latin(1748-1756) 5464

5464. `Et verificabuntur verba vestra': quod significet quod tunc erit cum veris sicut pronuntiatum est, constare potest absque explicatione; quomodo illi pronuntiarunt de se, consequenter de Ecclesiae veris quae repraesentabant, videatur supra n. 5434-5456. Cum hoc ita se habet: qui in veris Ecclesiae modo sunt propter lucrum, illi aeque ac alii possunt pronuntiare quomodo se habet cum veris, {1}ut, pro exemplo, quod vera non approprientur alicui nisi conjuncta sint cum interiore homine, immo quod ei non conjungi queant nisi per bonum, tum quod non prius sit vita veris; haec {2}et similia quandoque vident illi peraeque ac alii, et quandoque ad apparentiam perspicacius, sed {3}modo tunc quando de illis cum aliis loquuntur; quando autem loquuntur secum, ita cum interiore suo homine, {4}hoc est, cum cogitant, tunc illi qui in veris Ecclesiae sunt modo propter lucrum, vident contraria, et tametsi vident contraria et corde vera negant, usque persuadere possunt aliis quod ita se res habeat, immo quod ipsi taliter in veris sint; [2]cupiditas lucri, honoris et famae propter illa, haurit omnia media persuadendi et nihil lubentius quam talia quae in se vera sunt, haec enim absconditam in se vim attrahendi animos habent; tali facultate, nempe facultate {5}intelligendi num vera sint, praeditus est homo, qualiscumque sit, {6}modo non fatue stupidus, ex causa ut per intellectualem partem possit reformari et regenerari; sed cum in perversa abivit et prorsus illa quae fidei Ecclesiae sunt, {7} rejecit, tunc quidem in simili facultate intelligendi vera est sed non amplius vult intelligere illa, aversatur illa ad primam auditionem. @1 quod nempe$ @2 enim$ @3 hoc$ @4 seu$ @5 A d appercipiendi i intelligendi$ @6 si$ @7 i a se$

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