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属天的奥秘 第5680节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5680

5680. And they said, There is peace to thy servant our father. That this signifies a noticing therefrom of the natural that it is well with the good from which it comes, is evident from the signification of "saying," as being to perceive (see n. 1898, 1919, 2080, 2619, 2862, 3395, 3509); from the signification of "peace," as being to be well (see n. 5662, 5677); and from the representation of Israel, as being spiritual good (of which just above, n. 5678). This good is called "father," because from it as from a father are the truths and goods in the natural which are represented by his ten sons; and because the truths and goods in the natural are represented by them, the natural also is signified by them; for the natural is the containant, and the truths and goods therein are the contents, which make a one. From this it is plain that by their saying "there is peace to thy servant our father," is signified a noticing therefrom of the natural that it is well with the good from which it comes. It is called a noticing therefrom, namely, from the internal, which is represented by Joseph (n. 5648), because all the perception of the natural comes from the spiritual, and because from the spiritual, it comes from the internal, that is, through the internal from the Lord. The natural never has any perception, nor even any life of thought and affection, except what comes from the spiritual; for in the natural all things are of themselves dead, but they are vivified by influx from the spiritual world, that is, through the spiritual world from the Lord. In the spiritual world all things live from the light which is from the Lord; for in this light is wisdom and intelligence. That here there is signified a noticing therefrom, or from the internal in the natural, follows also from what has been said above (n. 5677).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5680

5680. 'And they said, Your servant our father has peace' means a perception gained from there by the natural that all is well with the good from which it springs. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perceiving, dealt with in 1898, 1919, 2080, 2619, 2862, 3395, 3509; from the meaning of 'peace' as all being well, dealt with in 5662, 5677; and from the representation of 'Israel' as spiritual good, dealt with just above in 5678. This good is called their 'father' because the truths and forms of good present in the natural, which are represented by Israel's ten sons, spring from it as their father. And as the truths and forms of good in the natural are represented by those sons, the natural is also meant by them; for the natural is the container, while the truths and forms of good there are its contents which make one with it. From all this it is evident that 'they said, Your servant our father has peace' means a perception gained from there by the natural that all is well with the good from which it springs.

[2] The perception is said to be gained from there - from the internal represented by 'Joseph', 5648 - because every perception gained by the natural comes from the spiritual; and because it comes from the spiritual it comes from the internal, that is, from the Lord through the internal. The natural cannot possibly have any perception, nor even any life present within thought and affection, other than that which comes from the spiritual. For all things within the natural that are essentially its own are dead; but they receive life through what flows in from the spiritual world, that is, from the Lord by way Of the spiritual world. In the spiritual world everything receives life from the light flowing from the Lord, for that light holds wisdom and intelligence within. The meaning here - that the perception is gained from there, from the internal, in the natural - also follows from what has gone before in 5677.

Latin(1748-1756) 5680

5680. `Et dixerunt, Pax servo tuo patri nostro': quod significet inde apperceptionem naturalis quod bene sit bono a quo, constat ex significatione `dicere' quod sit percipere, de qua n. (x)1898, 1919, 2080, 2619, 2862, 3395, 3509; ex significatione `pacis' quod sit bene esse, de qua n. 5662, 5677; et ex repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sit bonum spirituale, de qua mox supra n. 5678; quod bonum `pater' dicitur quia ab illo ut a patre sunt vera et bona in naturali, quae repraesentantur per `decem filios ejus'; et quia vera et bona in naturali per illos repraesentantur, per eosdem etiam naturale significatur, naturale enim est continens, et vera ac bona ibi sunt contenta, quae unum faciunt; inde patet quod per `dixerunt, Pax servo tuo patri nostro' significetur inde apperceptio naturalis quod bene sit bono a quo; [2]inde apperceptio dicitur, nempe (c)ab interno, quod per `Josephum' repraesentatur, n. 5648, quia omnis perceptio naturalis venit a spirituali, {1}et quia a spirituali, venit ab interno, hoc est, per internum a Domino; nusquam aliqua perceptio, ne quidem aliqua cogitationis et affectionis vita est naturali, {2}nisi quae venit a spirituali; sunt enim in naturali ex se omnia mortua, at vivificantur per influxum e spirituali mundo, hoc est, per spiritualem mundum a Domino, in spirituali mundo vivunt omnia ex luce quae a Domino, nam in luce illa est sapientia et intelligentia. Quod hic significetur inde apperceptio, seu ab interno, in naturali, etiam sequitur ab illis quae praecedunt n. 5677. @1 quod internum$ @2 quae non$

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