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属天的奥秘 第6242节


  6242.“至于我,我从巴旦来的时候”表从一种知识或认知的状态。这从“巴旦亚兰”的含义清楚可知,“巴旦亚兰”是指真理与良善的内在知识或认知 (参看366436804107节);因此,“巴旦”是指一种知识或认知的状态。

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Potts(1905-1910) 6242

6242. And I, in my coming from Paddan. That this signifies from a state of knowledges, is evident from the signification of "Paddan-aram," as being the interior knowledges of truth and good (see n. 3664, 3680, 4107); thus "Paddan" is a state of knowledges.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6242

6242. 'And as for me, when I was coming from Paddan' means from a state of cognitions. This is clear from the meaning of 'Paddan Aram' as cognitions of truth and good, dealt with in 3664, 3680, 4107, so that 'Paddan' is a state of cognitions.

Latin(1748-1756) 6242

6242. `Et ego in veniendo me {1}e Paddan': quod significet ex cognitionum statu, constat ex significatione `Paddan-Aram' quod sint cognitiones veri et boni, de qua n. 3664, 3680, 4107, ita `Paddan' est cognitionum status. @1 I has ad here only$

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