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属天的奥秘 第6461节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6461

6461. The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the sons of Heth. That this signifies the redemption of those who receive truth, and through truth good, is evident from the signification of a "purchase," as being redemption (see n. 6458); from the signification of a "field," as being the church (n. 2971, 3766), thus the man of the church, for he is a church; from the signification of a "cave," as being what is obscure (n. 2935, 6453); and from the representation of the sons of Heth, as being the spiritual church which was from the Ancient Church (n. 2913, 2986); and because the "sons of Heth" denote the spiritual church from the Ancient Church, they denote those who receive truth and through truth good, for from this is the spiritual church. From all this it is evident that by the "purchase of the field and of the cave which is in it was from the sons of Heth," is signified the redemption of those who, being in the church and as yet in obscurity, receive truth and through truth good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6461

6461. 'The buying of the field and of the cave that was in it was from the sons of Heth' means the redemption of those who receive truth, and through truth receive good. This is clear from the meaning of 'buying' as redemption, dealt with above in 6458; from the meaning of 'the field' as the Church, dealt with in 2971, 3766, thus the member of the Church since he is the Church; from the meaning of 'the cave' as obscurity, dealt with in 2935, 6453; and from the representation of 'the sons of Heth' as a spiritual Church from the Ancient Church, dealt with in 2913, 2986. And because 'the sons of Heth' are a spiritual Church from the Ancient Church, they are those who receive truth, and through truth receive good; for a spiritual Church arises in this way. From all this it is evident that 'the buying of the field and of the cave that was in it was from the sons of Heth' means the redemption of those who are in the Church but are still in obscurity, and who receive truth and through truth receive good.

Latin(1748-1756) 6461

6461. `Emptio agri et speluncae quae in illo, ex filiis Hethi': quod significet redemptionem illorum qui recipiunt verum, et per verum bonum, constat ex significatione `emptionis' quod sit redemptio, de qua supra n. 6458; ex significatione `agri' quod sit Ecclesia, de qua n. 2971, 3766, ita homo Ecclesiae, nam is est Ecclesia; ex significatione `speluncae' quod sit obscurum, de qua n. 2935, 6453; et ex repraesentatione `filiorum Hethi' quod sint Ecclesia spiritualis quae ab Antiqua, de qua n. 2913, 2986, (m)et quia filii Hethi sunt Ecclesia spiritualis ab Antiqua, sunt illi qui recipiunt verum et per verum bonum, nam inde Ecclesia spiritualis.(n) Ex his patet quod per `emptionem agri et speluncae quae in illo ex filiis Hethi' significetur redemptio illorum qui in Ecclesia et adhuc in obscuro recipiunt verum et per verum bonum.

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