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属天的奥秘 第6502节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6502

6502. And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians. That this signifies preservation from the evils which hindered conjunction, is evident from the signification of "commanding," as being to flow in (see n. 5732); from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal, of which above (n. 6499); and from the signification of the "physicians," as being preservation from evils. That it denotes from the evils which hindered conjunction (of which just above, n. 6501), is apparent from the connection. Hence it is evident that by "Joseph commanded his servants the physicians" is signified influx from the internal with respect to preservation from the evils which hindered conjunction. That "physicians" signify preservation from evils is because in the spiritual world diseases are evils and falsities, spiritual diseases being nothing else; for evils and falsities take away health from the internal man, and induce sicknesses on the mind, and at last pains; nor is anything else signified in the Word by "diseases." [2] That "physicians," the "medical art," and "medicines" in the Word signify preservations from evils and falsities, is evident from the passages where they are named; as in Moses:

If hearing thou hearest the voice of thy God, and doest that which is good in His eyes, and givest ear to His commandments, and keepest all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon thee which I have put upon the Egyptians; for I am Jehovah thy physician (Exod. 15:26);

"Jehovah the Physician" denotes the preserver from evils, for these are signified by the "diseases put upon the Egyptians." That the "diseases put upon the Egyptians" signify evils and falsities originating in reasonings from memory-knowledges and fallacies concerning the arcana of faith, will of the Lord's Divine mercy be shown when these diseases are treated of; that spiritual things are signified, is evident from the fact that it is said "if they would hear the voice of God, would do good, would give ear to the commandments, and would keep the statutes, then these diseases should not be upon them." [3] In the same sense also the Lord calls Himself a "physician" in Luke:

They that are whole have no need of a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:31, 32); here also a "physician" denotes a preserver from evils, for by the "whole" are meant the righteous, and by the "sick," sinners. In Jeremiah:

Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? why then hath not the health of the daughter of My people come up? (Jer. 8:22);

a "physician" denotes preservation from falsities in the church, for the "health of the daughter of My people" denotes the truth of doctrine there. [4] That "healings," "cures," "remedies," and "medicines" are not spoken of in the Word in a natural but in a spiritual sense, is plain in Jeremiah:

Why hast Thou smitten us, that we have no remedy? they await peace, but there is no good; a time of healing, but behold terror (Jer. 14:19; 8:15). Again:

I will cause to come up to him health and cure, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them a crown of peace and truth (Jer. 33:6). Again:

There is none that judgeth thy judgment for health, thou hast no medicines of restoration (Jer. 30:13). Again:

Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt; in vain hast thou multiplied medicines; there is no healing for thee (Jer. 46:11). [5] In Ezekiel:

By the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that, there cometh up every tree of food, whose leaf falleth not, neither is the fruit thereof consumed, it is born again in its months, because the waters thereof go forth from the sanctuary; whence the fruit thereof is for food, and the leaf thereof for medicine (Ezek. 47:12);

the subject here treated of in the prophet is the new house of God, or the new temple, by which is signified a new church, and in an interior sense the Lord's spiritual kingdom; and therefore the "river upon whose bank cometh up every tree of food" signifies things that belong to intelligence and wisdom (n. 108, 109, 2702, 3051); "trees" signify the perceptions and knowledges of good and truth (n. 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 4552); "food," the goods and truths themselves (n. 680, 4459, 5147, 5293, 5576, 5915); "waters going forth from the sanctuary," the truths which make intelligence (n. 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668); the "sanctuary," celestial love, in the supreme sense the Divine Human of the Lord, from whom is this love; the "fruits which are for food," the goods of love (n. 913, 983, 2846, 2847, 3146); the "leaf which is for medicine," the truth of faith (n. 885). From this it is plain what "medicine" signifies, namely, that which preserves from falsities and evils; for when the truth of faith leads to the good of life, it preserves, because it withdraws from evils.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6502

6502. 'And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians' means preservation from evils which would hinder it, that is to say, the joining together. This is clear from the meaning of 'commanding' as flowing into, dealt with in 5732; from the representation of 'Joseph' as the internal, dealt with just above in 6499; and from the meaning of 'the physicians' as preservation from evils (for it is apparent from the train of thought here that the preservation is from evils which would hinder the joining together referred to immediately above in 6501). From all this it is evident that 'Joseph commanded his servants the physicians' means an influx from the internal regarding preservation from evils which would hinder the joining together. The reason why 'the physicians' means preservation from evils is that in the spiritual world 'sicknesses' are evils and falsities. Spiritual diseases are nothing else, for evils and falsities rob the internal man of good health; they introduce mental disorders and at length states of depression. Nothing else is meant in the Word by 'sicknesses'.

[2] In the Word 'physicians', 'medicine', and 'medicaments' mean forms of preservation from evils and falsities. This is clear from places where they are mentioned, as in Moses,

If you obediently hear the voice of your God, and do what is good in His eyes, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will not put on you any sickness that I put on the Egyptians; for I, Jehovah, am your Physician. Exod 15:26.

'Jehovah the Physician' stands for the preserver from evils; for these evils are meant by 'sicknesses on the Egyptians'. The fact that 'sicknesses on the Egyptians' means evils and falsities that arise when people reason about the arcana of faith on the basis of factual knowledge and false notions will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown where those sicknesses are dealt with. But spiritual ones are meant, as is evident from its being said that if they heard the voice of God, did what was good, gave ear to His precepts, and kept His statutes, none of those sicknesses would be put on them.

[3] In addition the Lord calls Himself 'a Physician' in the same sense in Luke,

Those who are healthy have no need of a physician but those who are ill. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:31, 72.

Here also 'a physician' stands for a preserver from evils; for 'those who are healthy' is used to mean the righteous, and 'those who are ill' sinners. In Jeremiah,

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of My people?a Jer 8:22.

'A physician' stands for preservation from falsities in the Church, for 'the health of the daughter of My people' is the truth of doctrine there.

[4] In the Word healing, cures, remedies, and medicaments are spoken of not in a natural but in a spiritual sense, as is evident in Jeremiah,

Why have You stricken us so that there is no remedy for us? Await peace, but no good comes; a time of healing, but behold, terror. Jer 14:19; 8:15.

In the same prophet,

I will bring health and curing to it,b and I will heal them, and reveal to them the crown of peace, and truth. Jer 33:6.

In the same prophet,

There is none judging your judgement for healthiness; you have no restorative medicaments. Jer 30:13.

In the same prophet,

Go up to Gilead, and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain you have multiplied medicaments; there is no healing for you. Jer 46:11.

[5] In Ezekiel,

Beside the river there is rising up upon its bank, on this side and on that, every tree for food, whose leaf does not fall and whose fruit does not fail; it is reborn monthly, for its waters are flowing out from the sanctuary, wherefore its fruit is for food, and its leaf for a medicament. Ezek 47:12.

Here the prophet is describing a new house of God or a new temple, by which a new Church is meant, and in a more internal sense the Lord's spiritual kingdom. Therefore by 'the river upon whose bank there is rising up every tree for food' is meant things that belong to intelligence and wisdom, 108, 109, 2702, 3051 - 'trees' are perceptions and recognition of what is good and true, 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 4552; 'food' is forms of good and truths themselves, 680, 4459, 5147, 5293, 5576, 5915; 'waters going out from the sanctuary' are truths that compose intelligence, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668; 'the sanctuary' is celestial love, and in the highest sense the Lord's Divine Human, which is the source of that love; 'fruits which are for food' means forms of the good of love, 917, 983, 2846, 2847, 3146; and 'leaf which is for a medicament' means the truth of faith, 885. From this it is evident what 'a medicament' means, namely that which preserves from falsities and from evils; for the truth of faith, when it leads to goodness of life because it leads away from evil, acts as a preserver.


a lit. Why then has there not gone up the health of the daughter of My people?
b lit. I will cause health and curing to go up to it.

Latin(1748-1756) 6502

6502. `Et praecepit Joseph servis suis medicis': quod significet praeservationem a malis quae impedirent, nempe conjunctionem, constat ex significatione `praecipere' quod sit influere, de qua n. 5732; a repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, de qua mox supra n. (x)6499; et ex significatione `medicorum' quod sint praeservatio a malis; quod sit a malis quae impedirent conjunctionem, de qua mox supra n. 6501, ex serie apparet; inde patet quod per `praecepit Joseph servis suis medicis' significetur influxus ab interno de praeservatione a malis quae impedirent conjunctionem. Quod `medici' significent praeservationem a malis, est quia in spirituali mundo `morbi' sunt mala et falsa; morbi spirituales non aliud sunt, nam mala et falsa sanitatem interno homini auferunt, et inducunt aegritudines {1}menti, et tandem dolores; {2} nec aliud per morbos in Verbo {3}significatur. [2]Quod `medici, {4} medicina ac medicamenta' in Verbo significent praeservationes a malis et falsis, constat a locis ubi nominantur, ut apud Mosen, Si audiendo audias vocem Dei tui, et bonum in oculis {5}Illius facias, et aures des praeceptis Ipsius, et custodias omnia statuta Ipsius, omnem morbum quem posui super Aegyptios, non ponam super te, quia Ego Jehovah sum Medicus tuus, Exod. xv 26;

`Jehovah Medicus' pro praeservatore a malis, nam haec per `morbos super Aegyptiis' significantur; quod `morbi super Aegyptiis' `significent' mala et falsa oriunda ex ratiociniis {7}a scientificis et fallaciis de arcanis fidei, ex Divina Domini misericordia ostendetur, ubi de illis; quod spiritualia significentur, {8} patet ex eo quod dicatur `si audirent vocem Dei, bonum facerent, aures darent praeceptis, et custodirent statuta', quod non tunc super illis morbi illi. [8]{9}In eodem sensu etiam Dominus se vocat Medicum apud Lucam, Non opus habent sani medico, sed male habentes, non veni ad vocandum Justos, sed peccatores ad paenitentiam, v 31, 32;

hic quoque `medicus' pro praeservatore a malis, nam per `sanos' intelliguntur justi, et per `male habentes' peccatores: (m)apud Jeremiam, Num balsamum non est in Gileade? num medicus non ibi? quare enim non ascendit sanitas filiae populi Mei? viii 22;

`medicus' pro praeservatione a falsis in Ecclesia, `sanitas enim filiae populi Mei' est verum doctrinae ibi. [4]Quod sanationes, medelae, remedia et medicamenta non in naturali sed in spirituali sensu in Verbo {10}dicantur, patet apud Jeremiam, Quare percussisti nos, ut non remedium nobis? {12}exspectare pacem, sed non bonum; tempus sanationis, sed ecce terror, xiv 19, viii 15:

apud eundem, Ego ascendere ei faciam sanitatem et medelam, et sanabo eos, et revelabo illis coronam pacis et veritatem, xxxiii 6:

apud eundem, Non judicans judicium tuum ad sanitatem, medicamenta restitutionis non tibi, xxx 13:

apud eundem, Ascende Gilead, et sume balsamum virgo filia Aegypti, in vanum multiplicasti medicamenta, sanatio non tibi, xlvi 11: [5]apud Ezechielem, Juxta fluvium ascendit super ripa ejus hinc et illinc omnis arbor (x)cibi, cujus non decidit folium, neque consumitur fructus ejus; in menses suos renascitur, quia aquae ejus e sanctuario sunt exeuntes; unde fructus ejus est in cibum, et folium ejus in medicamentum, (x)xlvii 12;

agitur ibi apud Prophetam de nova domo Dei, seu de novo templo, per quod significatur nova Ecclesia ac in interiore sensu regnum spirituale Domini, quare `fluvius super cujus ripa ascendit omnis arbor cibi' significat illa quae sunt intelligentiae et sapientiae, n. 108, 109, 2702, 3051; `arbores' perceptiones et {13}cognitiones boni et veri, n. 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 4552; {14} `cibus' ipsa bona et vera, n. 680, 4459, 5147, 5293, 5576, 5915; (m)`aquae' exeuntes e sanctuario' vera quae intelligentiam faciunt, n. 2702, 3058, 3424, 4975, 5668; `sanctuarium' amorem caelestem, in sensu supremo Divinum Humanum Domini, a Quo ille amor;(n) `fructus qui sunt in cibum' (x)significant bona amoris, n. 913, 983, 2846, 2847, 3146; `folium quod in medicamentum' significat verum fidei, n. 885; inde patet quid `medicamentum', quod nempe sit id quod praeservat a falsis et a malis; verum enim fidei, cum ducit ad bonum vitae, quia abducit a malo, praeservat. @1 mentis$ @2 i inde quoque est quod$ @3 significetur$ @4 i tum$ @5 Ipsius$ @6 sint$ @7 perversis$ @8 i etiam$ @9 A o these words and instead i the marginal passage Apud Jeremiah . . . doctrinae ibi, thus before Apud Lucam$ @10 intelligantur$ @11 exspectate A I$ @12 conjunctiones I$ @13 i quod$

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