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属天的奥秘 第6578节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6578

6578. And spake upon their heart. That this signifies trust, is evident from the signification of "speaking upon the heart," as being to impart trust, namely, that evil should not befall; for "to speak" denotes influx (see n. 2951, 5481, 5797), and the "heart" denotes the will (n. 2930, 3888); thus "to speak upon the heart" denotes influx into the will, and the resulting trust. From all this it is also evident that there is a marriage of truth which is of the understanding, and of good which is of the will, in every detail of the Word; for "comforting" is said of the understanding, and "speaking upon the heart," of the will; therefore also his "comforting them" signifies hope, for this is of the understanding by means of truth; and his "speaking upon their heart" signifies trust, for this is of the will by means of good, because genuine trust is impossible with any but those who are in the good of charity; and genuine hope with any but those who are in the good of faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6578

6578. 'And spoke to their heart' means trust. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking to the heart' as imparting trust, that is to say, that nothing evil would happen to them; for 'speaking' means an influx, 1951, 5481, 5797, and 'the heart' means the will, 2930, 3888, so that 'speaking to the heart' means an influx into the will and trust engendered by it. From this it is also evident that the marriage of truth which is of the understanding and good which is of the will exists in every detail of the Word; for 'consoling' has reference to the understanding, and 'speaking to the heart' to the will. For the same reason 'he consoled them' means hope, since it is an attribute of the understanding received through truth, while 'he spoke to their heart' means trust, since it is an attribute of the will received through good. Genuine trust cannot be imparted to any but those with whom the good of charity exists, and genuine hope to none but those with whom the good of faith is present.

Latin(1748-1756) 6578

6578. `Et locutus super cor illorum': quod significet fiducia constat ex significatione `loqui super cor' quod sit dare fiduciam, nempe ne aliquid mali illis eveniat; `loqui' enim est influxus, n. 2951, (x)5481, 5797, et `cor' voluntas, n. 2930, 3888, ita `loqui super cor' est influxus in voluntatem et inde fiducia. Ex his etiam patet quod conjugium veri quod est intellectus et boni quod est voluntatis, sit in singulis Verbi, nam `consolari' praedicatur de intellectu, et `loqui super cor' de voluntate; ideo etiam `consolatus illos' significat spem, nam haec est intellectus per verum, et `locutus super cor' fiduciam, nam haec est voluntatis per bonum; {1}genuina enim fiducia non dari potest apud alios quam qui in bono charitatis sunt, et genuina spes non apud alios quam qui in bono fidei. @1 nam genuina$

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