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属天的奥秘 第6580节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6580

6580. And Joseph dwelt in Egypt. That this signifies the life of the memory-knowledges of the church from the internal, is evident from the signification of "dwelling," as being life (see n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051); from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal (n. 6499); and from the signification of "Egypt," as being the memory-knowledges of the church (n. 4749, 4964, 4966, 6004). In the preceding verses of this chapter the subject treated of is the spiritual church that was to be set up again; and after the external or natural has been made completely submissive to the internal or spiritual-which is signified by Joseph's brethren falling down before him and offering themselves to him for servants-the subject now treated of is this church when set up again, which is described in these verses by Joseph's dwelling in Egypt, and by sons being born of Ephraim, and of Machir the son of Manasseh. With the man who is a spiritual church there is life from the internal in the memory-knowledges of the church; for the memory-knowledges with him are made subordinate, and reduced into such order that they receive the influx of good and of truth, so as to be receptacles of influx from the internal. It is otherwise with those who are not a church, the memory-knowledges with these persons being so disposed that things confirmatory of truth and good have been rejected to the sides, thus far removed from the light of heaven; and thereafter the things that remain are receptive of falsity and evil.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6580

6580. 'And Joseph dwelt in Egypt' means the life of the Church's factual knowledge from the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'dwelling' as the life, dealt with in 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051; from the representation of 'Joseph' as the internal, dealt with above in 6499; and from the meaning of 'Egypt' as the Church's factual knowledge, dealt with in 4749, 4964, 4966, 6004. The subject in the previous parts of this chapter is the spiritual Church that is to be established; but now, after the external or natural has become totally submissive to the internal or spiritual, which is meant by the action of Joseph's brothers when they fell down before him and offered to be his slaves, the subject is that Church once it has been established. It is described in these verses by the statement that Joseph dwelt in Egypt and by the reference to the birth of sons descended from Ephraim and from Machir, Manasseh's son. With the person who is a spiritual Church life from the internal exists within the Church's factual knowledge; for the factual knowledge residing with him has been made subordinate and brought into a state of order which is such that it may receive an influx of goodness and truth, thus may be a receptacle of an influx from the internal. It is different with those who are not a Church. With them factual knowledge has been organized in such a way that facts which affirm what is true and good have been banished to the peripheries, and so are far removed from the light of heaven, and as a consequence the ones that remain are recipients of falsity and evil.

Latin(1748-1756) 6580

6580. `Et habitavit Joseph in Aegypto': quod significet vitam scientificorum Ecclesiae ab interno, constat ex significatione `habitare' quod sit vita, de qua n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051; ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, de qua supra n. 6499; et ex significatione `Aegypti' quod sint scientifica Ecclesiae, de qua n. 4749, 4964, 4966, 6004. Agitur in praecedentibus hujus capitis de Ecclesia spirituali instauranda; et postquam externum seu naturale prorsus submissum est interno seu spirituali, quod significatur per quod `fratres Josephi ceciderint coram {1}Josepho, et se obtulerint ei in servos'; agitur nunc de Ecclesia illa instaurata, quae describitur in his versibus per quod `Josephus habitaverit in Aegypto, et quod nati sint filii ex Ephraimo, ac ex Machir filio Menashis'. Apud hominem qui est Ecclesia spiritualis, est vita ab interno in scientificis Ecclesiae; nam scientifica {2}apud illum subordinata sunt, et in talem ordinem redacta ut influxum `boni et veri' recipiant, sic ut sint receptacula influxus ab interno. Aliter apud illos qui non sunt {3}Ecclesiae; scientifica apud illos ita disposita sunt quod confirmantia verum et bonum rejecta sint ad latera, ita remota longe a luce caeli; {4}inde quae manent sunt recipientia falsi et mali. @1 eo$ @2 tunc$ @3 Ecclesia I$ @4 i rejecta sunt scientifica$

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